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Driving Quality Service Improvements

As part of ongoing improvement in service commissioning, the Primary Health Network is transforming the way we measure the impact and the quality of the health services we fund within our region.

Our commitment to innovation sees us moving towards an outcomes-based commissioning model that focuses on the impact and the difference that our commissioned service providers are achieving. This work also aligns with the outcomes and specific indicators that are set by the Department of Health for all PHNs to report against. The aim of this work is to enable us to move beyond examining outputs alone and ensure that we are able to reflect the quality and impact of the services being provided across the region.

A set of quality key performance indicators (KPIs) are being integrated into all our service providers’ reporting activities. These KPIs capture more than session-based activity, in order to additionally focus on quality outcomes of cultural responsiveness, access to services, patient experience and patient outcomes, and are being reported against from July 1, 2021.

Service Providers will receive a detailed dashboard each quarter using health intelligence data visualization to track their own performance and identify areas for potential improvement in their service delivery. Indicators will be compared with previous quarter performance, as well as any relevant benchmarks across the program areas. An overview of each dashboard will be reviewed by our Board each quarter to monitor commissioning performance and outcomes.

In the future, Service Providers will have the opportunity to co-design additional KPIs with the Primary Health Network to focus on their own identified areas of improvement.

We aim to foster effective collaboration and partnerships with our stakeholders to ensure the best outcomes for our community and our region.

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