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2022 Immunisation Conference - 'Coast to Country: Vaccination Protection for All'

More than 320 people attended the online conference from a diversity of occupations including Hunter New England and Central Coast authorised nurse immunisers, authorised midwife immunisers, practice nurses, GPs, Aboriginal immunisation healthcare workers, qualified pharmacist immunisers and health worker students.

The 2022 conference featured leading specialists in immunisation, and provided attendees with a unique opportunity to build on their skills and knowledge around vaccines, current research, vaccines for special risk groups and Australia's place in the global scene.

Conference Recordings

The conference presentations and other content are provided in two recordings, a morning and an afternoon session. There is a slight delay of approximately one minute at the start of each recording before the presentation commences.

Immunisation Conference 2022 - Morning Session

Immunisation Conference 2022 - Afternoon Session

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