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Allied Health

The PHN is working to enhance awareness of the critical role Allied Health plays in primary healthcare, helping people to lead healthier lives

PHN Allied Health initiatives

What is Allied Health?

The definition used by the Australian Government and Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA) both concur there is no universally accepted definition of allied health, yet there are some basic principles that are agreed on. Allied health professionals use evidence-based practices to prevent, diagnose and treat various conditions and illnesses. They often work in multidisciplinary health teams to provide specialised support to suit an individual’s needs.

Generally, the Australian Government recognises allied health professions that meet the following criteria:

  • All practising professionals have a university level qualification of Australian Qualification Framework level 7 or higher in a recognised allied health field, that is accredited by their relevant national accreditation body.
  • A national professional organisation with clearly defined membership criteria.
  • Clear national entry level competency standards and assessment processes.
  • Autonomy of practice and a defined scope of practice.

(Ref: Australian Government Health website).

Why we support Allied Health?

Allied health is the second-largest clinical workforce in Australia and demand for allied health over the next decade is expected to continue to grow, especially in rural areas. Allied Health plays a critical role in primary healthcare in helping people to lead healthier lives – and if they become unwell to receive the right care in the right place at the right time.

Allied Health in Primary Care Engagement Framework

A new framework developed to strengthen engagement between the Primary Health Networks and the Allied Health sector has been launched by the National PHN Cooperative. The National PHN Allied Health in Primary Care Engagement Framework (The Framework) will serve as a roadmap for increased and collaborative ways of working.

Allied Health Peak Bodies and practitioners, State/Territory and Federal government and PHNs have all played a crucial role in shaping the development of the Framework over the past year. This input has been invaluable in informing future engagement strategies to support allied health contributions to consumer and community outcomes.

Latest Allied Health news

Want to know more?

Email the PHN allied health team. We are here to support Allied Health professionals.

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