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Palliative and End-of-Life Care

The PHN is funded under the Greater Choice for At Home Palliative Care (GCfAHPC) measure which aims to improve palliative care coordination. Being cared for and dying at home is most people’s preference. This initiative aims to help make that possible.

Palliative care helps people live as fully and as comfortably as possible following the diagnosis of a life-limiting, chronic or terminal illness. Palliative care is person-centred care to support people’s quality of life as a result of effective pain and symptom management, and holistic assessment of physical, psychological, social, emotional and spiritual needs including support for family and carers.

End-of-life care refers to the care provided in the final weeks and days of life, including planning for end-of-life care and the support of families and carers, and care of the person’s body after their death.

Current PHN Initiatives Include:

  • Hunter New England Central Coast Palliative Care Needs Assessment
  • End-of-Life Care Coordination Service
  • Establishment of Palliative Care & Care for Older People Reference Group
  • Palliative Aged Care Outcomes Program (PACOP)
  • Education events for Primary Care Professionals
  • Syringe Driver provision and training for eligible Residential Aged Care Facilities
  • Participation in working groups and co-design workshops with Central Coast Local Health District and Hunter New England Local Health Districts.
  • Hunter New England and Central Coast HealthPathways

Current Palliative and End-of-Life care initiatives

Palliative and End-of-Life Care team

Collaboration with stakeholders is crucial to help us understand emerging issues and their impact on the community, focus on the right topics at the right time and develop resources that are fit for purpose. We value your contributions and invite you to connect with us by contacting the Manager, Palliative Care and Care for Older People or the Senior Project Officer, Palliative Care.

Jacqueline Hewitt

Manager Palliative Care and Care for Older People
Phone Email

Phone Number

(02) 4088 5974 Call now

Charles Broadfoot

Senior Project Officer Palliative Care
Phone Email

Phone Number

0447 161 498 Call now

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