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General Practice

The PHN’s Primary Care Improvement Team partner with practices to build a better Australian primary health system.

Primary Care Improvement Team

The PHN understands that General Practices are the cornerstone of primary health care and are an invaluable part of the communities in which we live.

Many factors, such as workforce shortage, digital innovations, and industry changes can be challenging for General Practice to navigate whilst trying to provide optimal patient care.

There is momentum to redesign the healthcare system; to provide better patient outcomes, lower costs, improved patient experience, and improved clinical experience and the PHN is invested in providing ongoing support for practices wanting to successfully navigate and thrive in a changing primary care environment.

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With more than 400 practices across the PHN, our team contribute to the design and delivery of a wide range of initiatives and programs that support early detection and intervention and help optimise high quality co-ordinated care for patients.

General Practice Sustainability and Viability Initiative (SAVI)

The General Practice Sustainability and Viability Initiative (SAVI) has been launched by the Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network (HNECC PHN), leading a fundamental shift towards a sustainable and thriving primary healthcare sector.

Through SAVI, every general practice across the HNECC region will have the opportunity to gain key insights into their business, unveiling their strengths and areas for improvement. General practices will be able to access relevant support and resources to boost performance across finance, workforce, and operational areas.

Focus Areas and Initiatves

Bolstering leadership, systems, and processes are at the core of supporting improving capacity in primary care and you will find an abundance of resources and support from our team.

The Primary Care Improvement team supports general practice in the following ways;
  • Providing a broad range of opportunities to enhance local primary health care, including face to face support, resources and continuing professional development events.
  • Work collaboratively with general practice and other stakeholders to design and deliver innovative, locally relevant solutions and our support is inclusive of the whole practice team.

Quality Improvement

A well-defined continuous quality improvement system adopted in general practice will increase productivity and quality, with benefits often seen in:

  • Patient experience: improving patients’ access to care; the quality and safety of care; with subsequent improvement in health outcomes
  • Care team wellbeing: improving staff satisfaction, morale, teamwork, and workforce sustainability
  • Population health: reducing the burden of disease and health inequalities across your region
  • Business efficiency: improved business outcomes through increased efficiency and effectiveness.

Communities of Practice

The PHN is keen for opportunities to share ideas and resources that support primary health.

The purpose of our Communities of Practice is to provide a platform for people to connect, share knowledge, and experiences, discuss best practice approaches, and contribute to activities that will help improve models of care and health outcomes for patients, on a specific health concern.

The cancer, immunisation and mental health communities of practice, can be found on our Peoplebank page. Please reach out to your PCIO for access to other focus area communities of practice.


Primary care improvement

Collaboration with stakeholders is crucial to help us understand emerging issues impacting the community, focus on the right topics at the right time and develop resources that are fit-for purpose. We seek to work with general practitioners, practice nurses, practice mangers and administration and value your contributions to our planning. Please contact the primary care improvement manager in your area or phone on the number below to connect with us.

Allison Bull

Project Lead Sustainability and Viability Initiative (SAVI)
Phone Email

Phone Number

0417 914 577 Call now
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