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Mental Health

Our PHN works with clinicians, service providers, people with a lived experience and local communities to commission mental health care that reflects local needs and focuses on safe, effective and quality service.

We commission services that adopt the following system reform platforms:

  • Person centred care funded on the basis of need
  • Thinking nationally, acting locally
  • Delivering services within a stepped care approach
  • Effective early intervention across the lifespan
  • Digital mental health services

Below is more information on the diverse range of mental health services and programs we support and commission, categorised by intensity of support.

Current mental health initiatives

Mental Health Regional Plan 2020-2025

We are committed to improving the health and wellbeing of the Hunter, New England and Central Coast communities as reflected in our existing and future partnerships across a range of health issues. We have a strong commitment to mental health and suicide prevention and recognise the importance of a system-wide approach to better outcomes for individuals and communities.

The Mental Health Regional Plan provides a blueprint for more reliable and integrated mental health services in the Hunter, New England and Central Coast regions. In line with the directions of the Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan (5th National Plan)1, this plan acknowledges the need to provide more integrated care, and focus on the fragmentation across the service system to address unmet needs and improve outcomes and experiences of care for individual and communities in our area.

Aged Care Mental Health Strategy 2020-23

In response to increased Commonwealth funding for Primary Health Networks to commission Mental Health Services for Older Australians, including people living in Residential Aged Care Facilities, we have developed an Aged Care Mental Health Strategy 2020 -2023.

The Strategy was developed to complement existing Mental Health services, while addressing the needs and gaps identified through the Aged Care Mental Health Needs Assessment to implement a suite of services within a stepped care framework that were appropriate for older people. Broad evidence-based interventions will complement existing services to holistically address the mental health and wellbeing of older people, while also supporting workforce capacity.

The stages implementation will involve:
  • Three streams of psychological treatment and support will be available to deliver mild to low interventions. The interventions will begin in the pilot region and be reviewed for potential expansion after the pilot
  • A capacity building component.

Latest PHN mental health news

July 12 2024

Muswellbrook Medicare Mental Health Clinic officially opened by the Hon. Assistant Minister McBride

Muswellbrook Medicare Mental Health Centre was officially opened today by The Hon Assistant Minister Emma McBride, and Federal Member for Hunter, Dan Repacholi MP. Commissioned by the PHN the new centre provides mental health services for adults across the Hunter Valley dealing with emotional distress or life challenges.

Learn more about Muswellbrook Medicare Mental Health Clinic officially opened by the Hon. Assistant Minister McBride

Mental Health Team

Collaboration with stakeholders is crucial to help us understand emerging issues impacting the community, focus on the right topics at the right time and develop resources that are fit for purpose. We seek to work with you and value contributions to our planning. Please contact the mental health team or phone on the number below to connect with us.

Steve Dye

Manager Mental Health & Suicide Prevention

Leah Morgan

Manager Mental Health & Suicide Prevention
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