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Muswellbrook Medicare Mental Health Clinic officially opened by the Hon. Assistant Minister McBride

Muswellbrook Medicare Mental Health Centre was officially opened today by The Hon Assistant Minister Emma McBride, and Federal Member for Hunter, Dan Repacholi MP. Commissioned by the Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network (HNECC PHN), the new centre provides mental health services for adults across the Hunter Valley dealing with emotional distress or life challenges.

Upper Hunter residents can access this free service in Muswellbrook, Singleton, and Scone, with no referral needed. People seeking support can walk through the door of the Muswellbrook Medicare Mental Health Centre or call the national helpline 1800 595 212 to book an appointment.

Muswellbrook Medicare Mental Health Centre is funded by the Australian Government, commissioned by HNECC PHN and delivered by the regional not-for-profit organisation, Social Futures.

“It’s been a tough few years, with cost-of-living pressures, the pandemic and a lot of change and uncertainty,” Social Futures CEO Tony Davies said. “It’s understandable that many people are feeling stressed and often pushed to the limit.

“You should not hesitate to reach out for support – it’s an act of bravery that should be applauded.

“The Muswellbrook Medicare Mental Health Centre delivers quality mental health care for the Upper Hunter community. The service can help if you are facing challenges as diverse as family relationship breakdowns, financial pressures, substance use or work challenges.

“There is a skilled team here to support you and connect you to more specialised care if needed.

“Muswellbrook Medicare Mental Health Centre is a safe and welcoming space to talk to someone if you, or someone you care about, is in distress, or needs guidance finding supports.”

Richard Nankervis, Chief Executive Officer of the HNECC PHN, said the aim of Medicare Mental Health Centres is to simplify access to mental health care.

“Medicare Mental Health Centres are designed to enhance local service integration and offer a seamless care pathway for people to receive the right level of care at the right time to meet their mental health needs,” he said.

“It is based on an episodic model of care, delivering evidence-based care and family support to cover the short-to-medium term, based on clinical judgement and individual need.

“So, whether you are looking for mental health support for yourself, or someone you care about, or just trying to improve your wellbeing, Medicare Mental Health Centres are a great place to start.”

Federal Member for Hunter, Dan Repacholi MP, welcomed the introduction of the new service.

“Access to mental health services and support has never been more important for people in the Hunter.

“The new Medicare Mental Health Centre is a welcome addition and will offer ongoing support for people across our community who are struggling with their mental health.”

Care will be provided by a multidisciplinary mental health team including Psychologists, Counsellors, Mental Health Support Workers, and Peer Workers. The service will be delivered face-to-face, via phone, or online.

The 2021 Australian Productivity Commission report into Mental Health found that the mental health system was complex, and many people were unable to find the right services. COVID-19 also had a big impact on community mental health and wellbeing. The creation of the Head to Health model was subsequently created and recently rebranded to Medicare Mental Health Centres.

The Head to Health services started in Victoria, delivering mental health support during the pandemic, and proved so accessible and helpful, the hubs are being rolled out across Australia.

Social Futures is a community service organisation with 48 years' experience working to create positive social change in regional Australia. We work directly with individuals, families, communities, organisations and governments across our focus areas of homelessness and housing, youth and family, wellbeing, community inclusivity and programs that promote genuine participation for people with disability, to support communities to thrive and people to live well.

Media Enquiries

Social Futures: Kylie Perrett 0427 556 892
PHN: Rebecca Brennan 0437 478 138

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HNECC PHN Announcement Media Release Medicare Mental health

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