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PHN, Council and General Practice Partnership Secures Three New GPs for Inverell

A collaborative effort between the Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network (HNECC PHN), the Inverell Shire Council and the local medical practices has resulted in the successful recruitment of three additional General Practitioners to the region in the last year.

Supported by the HNECC PHN Bush Grant Program, which has been operational since 2022, a total of $85,000 in funding was allocated to assist with the recruitment and retention of these vital healthcare professionals. The Inverell Shire Council generously supplemented this initiative, contributing funds aimed at easing the transition for the GPs, including support for housing expenses.

Following the departure of several GPs in 2022, concerns arose within the Inverell community regarding access to essential medical services. In response, the Inverell Shire Council convened a Community Health Forum comprised of council members, local community representatives, and staff from local general practices. The forum identified collaborative grant funding as a strategic solution to address workforce challenges.

Richard Nankervis, CEO of HNECC PHN, emphasised the uniqueness of the partnership between the PHN and Inverell Shire Council, stating, “The recruitment of these GPs exemplifies effective collaboration among federal, state, and local governments for the betterment of our community. We encourage other councils within our PHN region to explore similar alliances tailored to their communities’ needs.”

Mr Nankervis further highlighted, “The Relocation Grants are a part of our broader strategy to assist General Practices with the recruitment and retention of General Practitioners.”

The three GPs who have relocated to Inverell have diverse backgrounds, coming from Iraq, South Africa, and Western Sydney. They are currently located at the local Inverell practices of St Elmo’s Medical Practice, Hadana Surgery, and Ross Street Surgery.

Inverell Mayor Paul Harmon expressed optimism about the community’s future healthcare access, remarking, “Securing these GPs is a significant milestone for our community. Their arrival brings much-needed relief and reassurance about the availability and accessibility of medical services in our Shire.”

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Community General Practitioner

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