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Framework encourages engagement with allied health sector after being deemed a critical player in primary health care.

A National PHN Allied Health in Primary Care Engagement Framework (The Framework) has been developed with the intention of strengthening engagement between PHNs and the allied health sector.

Developed under the National Primary Health Network Cooperative (National PHN Cooperative) through a Steering Team of PHNs, which includes the Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network (HNECC PHN), the vision for the Framework is for implementation across all 31 PHNs.

The Framework provides a roadmap to deliver efficient and effective allied health care services to communities in partnership with primary care providers. It defines roles and approaches to drive change and increase collaboration between the allied health sector and PHNs. Allied Health Peak Bodies, practitioners, State/Territory/Federal government and PHNs all played a crucial role in shaping the development of the Framework over the past year.

CEO of the HNECC PHN, Richard Nankervis said the Steering Team and the National PHN Cooperative, is pleased to launch The Framework. “The Framework was developed in response to increased engagement with the allied health sector that arose during COVID-19, when the need for engagement guidelines became evident.

“In the context of unprecedented workforce challenges, The Framework provides an opportunity to work together to optimise utilisation of the existing workforce.

“PHNs have a chance to play a key role in supporting the allied health sector as an important part of an integrated health system. This includes having an increased focus towards wellbeing and prevention.”

The Framework is designed primarily for use by PHNs, with implementation at PHN level to be guided by the allied health sector and other stakeholders. It is intended to support an ongoing process of strengthening engagement between all parties.

The Steering Team will establish a PHN implementation group to lead and support the national implementation of The Framework and coordinate support for its implementation.

View the framework in full at: Allied Health in Primary Care Engagement Framework - Primary Health Network (

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