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Care for Older People

PHN funding under the Australian Government Aged Care Reform Package focuses on delaying older Australians’ entry into Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs), reducing avoidable hospitalisations and improving equitable access to the services that older Australians require.

The Care for Older People team supports health services, professionals, aged care providers, community support services, consumers, carers and families to improve people’s experience and health and wellbeing outcomes.

Current initiatives include:

  • Aged Care information and services
  • Aged Care Emergency (ACE) information and resources
  • The care finder service
  • Early intervention - frailty and wellbeing initiatives
  • Grant funding applications
  • Telehealth between GPs and RACFs
  • Palliative care needs assessment, monitoring, evaluation, support and resources
  • Aged Care services evaluation
  • Future modelling opportunities for integrated care activities in scope for aged care, palliative care, after hours and allied health
  • COVID-19 outbreak support

Current aged care initiatives

Care for Older People health topics and resources

The Care for Older People team supports medical professionals and residential aged care facilities with resources, training and information on COVID-19, aged care, frailty, chronic disease management, cancer, mental health and other topics.

Care for Older People education, communications and media

The Primary Health Network has supported residential aged care facilities (RACF) throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccine rollout.

COVID-19 information is available on the HealthPathways site for your region:

Immunisations and vaccinations

The Australian Government provides information on immunisations for adults and seniors (aged 65 years or over). Topics include vaccinations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people with medical risk conditions, missed vaccinations and booster vaccines.

Cancer screening and care
Health assessments for people aged 75+

The 75+ years aged health review is a comprehensive medical review structured to identify health issues and conditions that are preventable or amenable to interventions, to improve health and or quality of life.

Chronic disease management
Frailty, sarcopenia and falls prevention

Frailty is a common syndrome that can affect up to 25% of patients aged 70 and over. It can increase their risk of falls, prolong hospital stays and cause decline in function. It also increases the likelihood of institutionalisation and death. However, while frailty is linked with getting older, effective early intervention can help people stay healthy and active for longer.

Mental health

The PHN provides information and resources to support the mental health and wellbeing of older people.

Veterans' health
Medication management

The PHN provides information, templates and resources to support health professionals - including GPs, nurses, pharmacists and aged care facility staff - in managing medications appropriately.

Domiciliary Reviews

Residential Reviews

Palliative care

The PHN has been provided funding by the Department of Health and Aged Care under The Greater Choice for At Home Palliative Care (GCfAHPC) measure to coordinate palliative care through Primary Health Networks (PHNs). For more information, visit the Palliative Care page.

Palliative Care Needs Assessment

The PHN undertook a palliative care rapid literature review and needs assessment to understand the current palliative care needs of the region.

The purpose of these activities was to inform decisions on how to allocate the “Greater Choices for Palliative Care” funding to identify and respond to the palliative care needs of people living in the HNECC region. View the Palliative Care Needs Assessment August 2023

Care for Older People team

Collaboration with stakeholders is crucial to help us understand emerging issues and their impact on the community, focus on the right topics at the right time and develop resources that are fit for purpose. We value your contributions and invite you to connect with us by contacting the Manager Palliative Care and Care for Older People.

Jacqueline Hewitt

Manager Palliative Care and Care for Older People

Phone Number

(02) 4088 5974 Call now

Care for Older People Reference Group

In response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care, Quality and Safety, the PHN received new funding from the Australian Government to support initiatives aimed at addressing the complex issues faced by older people, and people receiving palliative and end-of-life care.

As part of our initiatives and responses, the PHN has established a quarterly Palliative Care and Care for Older People Reference Group to provide feedback, multi-disciplinary input, lived experience insights and advice on the implementation of the Palliative Care and Care for Older People Strategy and contribution to a continual review of the operational objectives.

Participating in the reference group will inform the PHN and allow it to develop appropriate interventions and innovations and deliver better outcomes for the population.

RACF Grants

To support our vision of Healthy People and Healthy Communities the PHN delivers an annual Grants Program.

The program addresses local health needs and priorities by providing grant funding for innovative programs and projects throughout the region. Grants are one-off funding opportunities and do not guarantee on-going funding.

Residential Aged Care Facilities: Telehealth and Digital Health Grants 2023 are currently open.

Latest care for older people news

July 10 2024

Research Opportunity - Survey of the National Palliative Care Workforce Across Health and Aged Care Settings

This short survey is for everyone who works or volunteers in any service that provides palliative care in Australia. This includes all people working or volunteering in specialist palliative care services, and those providing palliative care as part of their work in primary care, aged care and other health care settings.

Learn more about Research Opportunity - Survey of the National Palliative Care Workforce Across Health and Aged Care Settings
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