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We offer support to all primary care providers across our region with their health workforce needs.

We work together with all local major stakeholders including the NSW Rural Doctors Network, RACGP, ACRRM and the Central Coast and Hunter New England Local Health Districts and assist in developing a strong local healthcare workforce.

We offer support to all primary care providers across our region with their health workforce needs, including recruitment, retention, and succession planning. Please view our Education Library for webinars and information resources.

Current workforce programs and initiatives

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Post jobs, spaces for rent and practices for sale at no cost. HNECC PHN regularly promote the jobs portal via paid promotion and within marketing campaigns.

To get started, simply complete this form to register. You will receive a link to verify your email and then your account will be reviewed by a PHN site administrator. We aim to process approvals quickly.

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Latest PHN Primary Health Workforce news

July 25 2024

Workforce Planning – Interim Report Early Findings

In alignment with the strategic goals set forth in the PHNs 23-28 Strategic Vision, a primary objective is to stabilise and enhance the primary care workforce. As part of this effort, the HNECC PHN engaged Beacon Strategies to conduct a Workforce Planning Report. While the full report is scheduled for release in late August 2024, the interim findings have already shed light on critical issues.

Learn more about Workforce Planning – Interim Report Early Findings

Workforce Manager

Collaboration with stakeholders is crucial to help us understand emerging workforce issues impacting the community, focus on the right topics at the right time and develop resources that are fit for purpose. We seek to work with you and value contributions to our planning. Please contact the Manager, Professional Development and Workforce or phone on the number below to connect with us.

Alison Tattersall

Manager, Professional Development & Workforce
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