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Workforce Planning – Interim Report Early Findings

In alignment with the strategic goals set forth in the Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network’s (HNECC PHN) 23-28 Strategic Vision, a primary objective is to stabilise and enhance the primary care workforce. As part of this effort, the HNECC PHN engaged Beacon Strategies to conduct a Workforce Planning Report. While the full report is scheduled for release in late August 2024, the interim findings have already shed light on critical issues.

The Australian primary care sector confronts significant challenges, including an aging workforce, waning interest in general practice among junior doctors, shortages of GPs in rural areas, and escalating patient demands. In response, the government has launched the National Medical Workforce Strategy 2021–2031, aimed at improving the national supply and distribution of medical professionals.

This project aims to provide a comprehensive forecast of the supply and demand dynamics within the primary healthcare workforce across the HNECC PHN region. It considers demographic shifts, changes in disease patterns, and technological advancements. The goal is to predict future workforce needs across each Local Government Area (LGA) within the HNECC PHN and to integrate these plans into a cohesive regional strategy. Successful completion will yield a locally developed, widely supported HNECC PHN Primary Healthcare Workforce Strategy and localized plans.

To tackle these challenges, the HNECC PHN is developing locality-specific workforce plans that will contribute to a broader regional strategy. Collaboration with key stakeholders—health professionals, Local Health Districts, NSW Rural Doctors Network, local government, and tertiary training bodies—is integral to ensuring a strategic workforce planning process.

Highlights from the interim report include:

  • Over 230 stakeholders have contributed to the Strategy.
  • The Strategy builds upon previous needs assessments and collaborative efforts.
  • Key focus areas include building a pipeline, attracting and recruiting talent, supporting and retaining professionals, delivering contemporary healthcare, and ensuring organizational sustainability.
  • Partnerships with Central Coast LHD, Hunter New England LHD, Rural Doctors Network, and the University of Newcastle are pivotal to the Strategy’s success.

The HNECC PHN eagerly anticipates the full report's release and looks forward to unveiling the key pillars of the Strategy. These pillars are crucial steps towards enhancing stability in the primary care workforce across our region.

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