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Regional Workforce Planning Consultation

Have your say on local workforce issues and solutions

Hunter New England Central Coast PHN invites primary healthcare workforce professionals to participate in a consultation opportunity to better understand local primary healthcare workforce issues and identify potential solutions.

As you all may know, HNECC PHN’s 2023-2028 strategic plan states a firm commitment to better understanding local primary healthcare workforce issues and developing localised workforce plans.

If you are a General Practitioner, Practice Nurse, Allied Health Professional or work broadly in the primary healthcare sector in our region we want to hear from you.

How to participate

Hunter New England Central Coast PHN is hosting a series of consultation opportunities. You can participate in a number of ways. You can either attend a face-to-face workshop, attend a virtual focus group, register for a 1:1 phone interview or complete the primary healthcare workforce survey.

Face-to-face workshop

Attend a face-to-face workshop (over dinner) and contribute to an engaging discussion regarding local primary healthcare workforce issues and solutions.

Virtual focus group

Unable to attend face-to-face? We encourage you to attend a virtual focus group.

  • Central Coast virtual group (14th of May, 6:30pm - 7:30pm). Register here.
  • Hunter virtual group (15th of May, 6:30pm - 7:30pm). Register here.
  • New England virtual group (16th of May, 6:30pm - 7:30pm). Register here.

1:1 phone interview

Require additional flexibility? We are also offering the opportunity for you to provide 1:1 feedback. Please email Mitchell Stalker (Director, Beacon Strategies) to register for a phone interview.


Stay tuned for a separate email where we’ll provide a link for you to complete a survey if you prefer asynchronous communication.

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