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New England Dementia Partnership (NEDP)

New England Dementia Partnership (NEDP)

The New England Dementia Partnership is a collaboration between Hunter New England Local Health District (HNELHD) and the Primary Health Network that dates back to 2003. The aim of the Partnership is to work together to improve the health outcomes for - and quality of life of - people with dementia and their family and carers living in the New England region of NSW.

The NEDP undertakes a range of activities to support people working in dementia care services, including:

  • The Dementia Care Information booklet: The information booklet exists to help healthcare providers recognise, assess, diagnose and manage dementia. It contains information on dementia and services available to the New England region. The booklet was first published in 2016 and an electronic version on the PHN website contains up-to-date links to further information, templates and training opportunities. The electronic booklet can be accessed here.
  • Standardised referral to dementia services: Comprehensive dementia assessments can be undertaken and supported by dementia clinicians working within HNELHD.
  • Multidisciplinary Clinical Case Discussion Framework: The NEDP established multidisciplinary team meetings for clinicians working in dementia services in the region to provide each other with peer support. A Clinical Case Discussion Framework was developed to use during case discussions and when reporting back to referring GPs to ensure accuracy and consistency of information presented.
  • New England Dementia Forum: The NEDP hosts a biennial dementia forum in Tamworth, bringing together dementia experts, local clinicians, and carers to learn about developments in dementia care and dementia related health implications. You can watch a recording of the 2021 forum here. Keep an eye on the PHN education events page for details on the next forum. The New England Dementia Partnership acknowledges the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) for seed funding from the Building Partnerships program, which aims to improve care of older people with complex health needs.

For further information contact

Ellen Meinel

Integrated Health Officer

Phone Number

0439 516 048 Call now
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