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COVID-19 Information for First Nations Communities

The HNECC PHN recognises the health risks and challenges of COVID-19 for First Nations Communities across our region. The PHN has developed resources to assist First Nations people to access reliable information about the COVID-19 vaccines, and to identify health services to manage and treat COVID-19 related illness.

The PHN's First Nations Health Access team has also developed several unique resources for Primary Care Providers including General Practitioners, Aboriginal Medical Services, Pharmacies and Integrated Team Care providers; and First Nations community members. These include:

  • First Nations SMS Messages have been developed for Primary Care providers to promote direct access to credible COVID-19 vaccine information and support. The culturally sensitive messages can be sent to First Nations patients to assist decision making and reduce the confusion created by many social media messages.
  • VAX FAX WITH DANE SIMPSON is a series of short yarns featuring Dane Simpson and our local experts busting some myths and getting the facts about COVID-19.

More general information and the latest updates about COVID-19 are available from the PHN web page COVID-19 and Influenza - Latest Information.

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