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Sustainability and Viability Initiative (SAVI)

The PHN is leading the fundamental shift towards a sustainable and thriving primary healthcare care sector with the General Practice Sustainability and Viability Initiative (SAVI).

This long-term initiative is designed to transform the landscape and will support individual practices to optimise their performance, enhancing, and stabilising the general practice sector across the HNECC PHN region.

Allison Bull, Project Lead Sustainability and Viability Initiative (SAVI), answers all of your questions on the PHN's new business viability initiative.

Through SAVI, every general practice across the region will have the opportunity to gain key insights into their business, unveiling their strengths and areas for improvement. General practices will be able to access relevant support and resources to boost performance across finance, workforce, and operational areas.

SAVI equips general practices with essential tools to assess financial health and identify avenues for revenue optimisation.

Through an interactive platform featuring predictive analytics, SAVI empowers practice owners and managers to identify risks and opportunities so they can make informed decisions crucial for business viability and sustained success.

In collaboration with partners, the PHN extends robust specialist support for practices seeking to capitalise on this opportunity. This support aims to enhance performance, ensuring sustainable success for an efficient, effective primary healthcare workforce and general practice sector.

Discover Phase

A viability assessment platform is available for general practices NOW, but ONLY FOR A LIMITED TIME.

This platform is designed to be completed by practice owners or managers well-versed in the workforce, financial, and operational dynamics of the business.

By collaborating with SAVI, your practice gains access to tailored resources, specialist advice and guidance, and a community dedicated to supporting a thriving general practice.


Participating in the recommended activities within SAVI is assurance of attaining improvements in your practices viability and sustainability. Individual activities serve as strategic pillars, strengthening the foundation of your practice. By actively engaging in this initiative, you pave a direct path toward sustained success for you and your team, optimizing your practice’s immediate performance and laying the groundwork for a resilient and thriving future.

SAVI is for:

  • General practices aiming to maximise revenue
  • General Practices proactively planning
  • Practices seeking clear supported next steps
  • Risk identification and mitigation

Ultimately, SAVI is designed to benefit communities by ensuring accessible, equitable, and high-quality healthcare services delivered through empowered and sustainable general practices.

Participation in SAVI is confidential, survey responses and results will not be shared with third parties or be used in any way to assess any future grant application. De-identified aggregated results will be available.

Participation in SAVI is free

Valued between $5,000 and $10,000, participation in SAVI and undertaking the initial viability assessment is funded for all general practices in the HNECCPHN footprint.

Collaborate with us

Allison Bull

Project Lead Sustainability and Viability Initiative (SAVI)

Phone Number

0417 914 577 Call now
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