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EOI invited to boost mental health and wellbeing for RACF residents

Mental health service providers are being encouraged to partner with the HNECC PHN to deliver evidence-based interventions to improve the mental health and wellbeing of residents of Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACF).

A Request for Proposal will be released in early August for suitably qualified providers to implement a stepped care approach to address the needs of RACF residents suffering from, or at risk of, mild to moderate mental health conditions. Those suffering from issues related to the transition into aged care will be a particular focus.

A key element in the delivery of mental health services is the move towards integrated innovative or digitally assisted models of care, alongside traditional one-on-one interventions.

The initiative follows an evaluation by the PHN of commissioned mental health services in RACFs that emphasised the need to improve access to support.

The Mental Health Services in RACFs aim to reduce mental health disorders and suicide among residents by:  

  • Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of mental health and suicide prevention services for residents with, or at risk of, mental illness or suicide. 
  • Implementing integrated, systems-based suicide prevention activity, in partnership with LHDs and local organisations through development of a joint regional mental health and suicide prevention plan, and associated service mapping and needs analyses.  

This will be achieved through engagement with the Residential Aged Mental Health Program which demonstrates ongoing relationships with local General Practices, Allied Health Professionals, RACF services. The health pathways would be subjected to receiving referrals from GP’s, Allied Health Professionals, Nurse Practitioners, RACF staff and family members.

Interested providers are encouraged to indicate an Expression of Interest for RFP-157 Mental Health Services in RACFs by COB Friday 26 July 2024 via email   

Indicative timeline:

Activity Date
Request for Proposal released via Tenderlink 5 August 2024
Request for Proposal closed 4 September 2024
Contracts execution 30 December 2024
Service delivery commences 1 April 2025

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Commissioning Announcements Expressions of Interest Mental health

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