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Drought Suicide Prevention Grants to improve community resilience and wellbeing

Communities affected by drought, drought affected, or drought declared, require proactive support to provide suicide prevention activities to improve their resilience and wellbeing as we lead into Summer 2023 – 2024.

Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network (the PHN) is offering Drought Suicide Prevention Grants to encourage communities to increase community preparedness.

Funding of between $10 000 ex GST and $30 000 ex GST can be applied for, for prevention and intervention activities such as:

  • Drought and extreme weather preparedness sessions
  • Counselling for recovery and resilience due to drought and extreme weather
  • Gatekeeper/ first responder / volunteer mental health training and resilience workshops
  • Training to build suicide prevention capacity in the community.

Grant funding is not ongoing, and activities are to be completed prior to 30th November 2024 and final reporting completed by 31st December 2024.

What can be funded

Funding is for time limited grants as there is no ongoing funding available.
Grant activities that meet the selection criteria must take place in regions deemed to have been drought affected or drought declared as per the Department of Primary Industries, and within the Hunter New England and Central Coast region.

Read more and apply.

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