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The Business Accelerator, powerful 3-hour workshop

The PHN is subsidising an intensive business accelerator session, designed specifically for Allied Health business owners, which will teach participants the system and strategies to double profits and will guide participants through creating a one-page Profit Powercell Plan.

The business accelerator session will be offered as Day 2 of the PHN's Stronger Together Allied Health Conference.

The below information has been provided by the education providers; Momentum Business Improvement.

Who’s this workshop for?

This program is for allied health business owners who are tired of working long, hard hours without making enough profit. This is for you if you know you need to make a change but aren’t sure where to start. You’ve got a good business, give great service, but don’t quite get the rewards you deserve.

This program will suit you if you have ever thought; “it’s time for my business to really make me the money I deserve”. It’s not about making massive changes in your business, it’s about fine tuning what you’re already doing, to get massively better results.

The Business Owner’s dilemma

This program is ideal for you if you’ve ever thought…

  • I need more clients
  • I need more turnover
  • I need more profit

But these are outcomes or results of consistent and well-structured actions. But most business owners don’t know which actions to take. They often cruise along when times are good and then go into a mad scramble of “throwing some money at marketing” or “slashing costs” when times are tough.

The “up and down” business cycle

The seemingly endless stream of new clients that you had for a few months suddenly dries up. You look around at what lead generation you’ve been doing, and you see a barren wasteland. Nothing is happening and your next enquiry seems a million miles away. So, you go into a panic and “throw some money at advertising”, hoping and praying that it will work. Most times it doesn’t and when it does, it typically has cost you a fortune for each lead.

Then the cycle rinses and repeats.
This leads to an endless up and down, feast or famine cycle. It’s part of what makes being a business owner feel really hard.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Once you understand that there’s a way to structure your business for greater turnover, profitability and cashflow, things will never be the same again. That way is called the Profit Powercell.

Doubling your profit

Imagine, what life would be like if your business delivered the sort of profits it should. If you didn’t have to worry about making payroll each week, fortnight or month. If you never had another late night worrying about paying suppliers. Imagine if you made the sort of profit that allowed you to re-invest in your business (think buying that bit of equipment that would make life easier) AND pay yourself a great salary and dividends.

Imagine being able to bring onboard that admin manager, marketing person or personal assistant you’ve always wanted to hire. This might seem like an impossible dream, but the reality is, the profit and cashflow required to do these things, is already in your business, waiting to be “unlocked”.

Will this workshop work for you?

This program is based on over 22 years of working with business owners, just like you, to help them make more money, work less hours and finally get a life out of their business.

It’s based on over 35,000 hours of one-one-one coaching with real business owners. The system and strategies you’ll learn have been proven over and over again in real “bricks and mortar” Australian businesses.

The workshop is delivered by the two leading coaches from Momentum Business Improvement. David Crook and Harry Raftos have worked with business owners all over Australia in all industries. This profit accelerating workshop is the distillation of their combined 44 years of experience. It will teach you the Profit Powercell™ system and how to apply it to your business. There’s no fluff, theory or highfalutin marketing jargon in this course. It’s a simple system, with grass roots strategies, that you’ll be stepped through actually applying in your business.

This workshop is designed to show you the complete system that can double your profits this year…starting immediately. You will learn the system step-by-step.

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