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2024 Midyear Immunisation Update

Wednesday, July 31st 2024
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Let’s have a look at Immunisation rates, RSV Program update, AEFIs and other topics!

Time for a catch up now that we are all in the middle of a busy 2024 immunisation season. Let’s have a look at Immunisation rates, RSV Program update, AEFIs and other topics! We need to keep our immunisation rates high to protect our communities! Welcome to all new nurse immunisers and those who have been protecting their communities for years.

Join us for a comprehensive 2024 Immunisation update session from the HNE LHD Population Health Unit.


The education session will be presented by Hunter New England Population Health Unit and will provide important information regarding the following:

· Influenza 2024

· Adverse Event Following Immunisation

· RSV Program update JHCH Vaccination clinic

· What’s NEW and exciting!

· AIR & Overdue follow-up

· Q & A session

WHO: All Hunter New England Region Authorised Immunisers, Aboriginal Health Practitioners and Workers, General Practitioners, GP Registrars & Practice Staff & Pharmacists

WHERE: Online via Livestream

SPEAKERS: Dr Peter Murray – Public Health Physician, HNELHD Population Health
Dr Coen Butters – Paediatric & Infectious Diseases Physician JHCH
Katrina Clark – Aboriginal Immunisation Manager HNELHD Population Health
Kaycee Wisemantle – HNECC PHN
Sharon Saxby - Clinical Nurse Consultant, HNELHD Population Health
Kirsty Waller – Clinical Nurse Consultant, HNELHD Population Health

You must attend this session live to receive a certificate of attendance.

Certificates will not be issued if you watch the recording.

A video recording of this livestream presentation will be available shortly after the event in the HNECC PHN Education Library

For webinar enquiries please contact the PHN Education Team at

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