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Better Access 10+10 – Cessation of additional 10 sessions

Better Access traditionally offered 10 free sessions to eligible clients requiring mild to moderate psychological intervention.

To support communities, the Federal Government added 10 sessions during the COVID-19 pandemic (Better Access 10+10).

Returning to business as usual, the additional 10 sessions have been discontinued.

The removal of these sessions will free up space within the system with fewer sessions being set aside by practitioners, but this may be a cause for stress for consumers.

As an alternative to the discontinued sessions, practitioners may refer patients to the following service options:

Mind Health:

Free mental health phone & online counselling service | MindHealth

Mind Health Service Connect Line

Head to Health

Welcome to Head to Health | Head to Health

E-Headspace for patients 12-25 years

Online & phone support | headspace

Rural Health Connect

Connects Rural Australia to Mental Health Services (

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