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Cerebral Palsy Early Diagnosis Clinic Opens in Lake Macquarie.

Cerebral Palsy Alliance has recently opened a Cerebral Palsy Early Diagnosis Clinic in partnership with HNE Kids Health. The clinic, operating at the Cerebral Palsy Alliance office at Croudace Bay is a multidisciplinary assessment and diagnosis clinic with input from a Paediatric Neurologist, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Pathologist and Social Worker. This is only the 3rd clinic of its type in the world and the first in a Regional area.

CPA Early Diagnosis Clinic is a diagnostic clinic for babies at high risk of cerebral palsy. Fully funded by CPA donors, fundraising and Medicare, the clinic aims to fast track diagnosis and enable quicker access to early interventions, family support and better outcomes for the future.

The clinic is now taking referrals and are running clinics weekly on a Thursday. The eligibility criteria include:

  1. <12 months of age (corrected) at time of referral
  2. Not currently seeing a Neurologist or scheduled to see a Neurologist elsewhere (unless said Neurologist has referred to EDC)
  3. Presents with motor dysfunction or motor skills substantially below those expected for chronological age
  4. Clinical history indicating risk for cerebral palsy
  5. Not formally diagnosed with cerebral palsy by another medical specialist

A medical referral is required for the clinic and can be addressed to:

Dr Christina Miteff and Allied Health Team
Cerebral Palsy Early Diagnosis Clinic
61 Parklea Ave Croudace Bay 2280

The clinic will also accept referrals from Allied Health professionals or families directly and can support families to source the medical referral if needed.

For enquiries about the clinic please contact Aimee Martin (Manager) on 4979 4333

You can find out more information about Cerebral Palsy Alliance Early Diagnosis Clinics on our website

Information and eLearning resources for referrers -

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