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GPs remain backbone of the vaccination rollout

Latest vaccination figures from the Primary Health Network show that over 70% of COVID-19 vaccinations in our region are occurring in general practice.

“Experience over many years from flu and childhood vaccinations has shown that most patients want to be vaccinated by their usual GP”, said Richard Nankervis PHN CEO.

“People have an existing relationship with their GP and the practice ‘provides a safe environment’ where a GP knows their patient’s history and have the necessary training and facilities to manage rare adverse reactions”

“GPs have the expertise and experience to help patients understand the benefits of vaccination, as well as knowing what rare side effects to watch out for,”

“Of course it is also important to acknowledge the great work that all staff in general practices; the nurses, receptionists and administration staff have done and continue to do doing during the pandemic to protect our community from COVID-19”

While the PHN is pleased with the increasing vaccination rates across the region it is urging all eligible unvaccinated people to see their GP.

‘The longer you wait, the more at risk you are of contracting COVID-19. We’ve seen how quickly the Delta strain spreads, the symptoms are more severe and it’s affecting younger people and children too,’ said John Baillie Executive Director in charge of the PHN’s vaccine rollout program.

‘Unfortunately we are seeing community transmission of the virus in our region and people are at risk of catching the virus – it can be deadly, and we are seeing many patients suffer the effects of long COVID even after they have recovered from the virus .It is not worth waiting.”

‘Our message to the community is a simple one. Get vaccinated as soon as you can, it not only protects yourself, but also your loved ones and the community.’

“The good news is that many general practices across the region are now receiving supplies of the Pfizer vaccine and there is ample supply of Astra Zeneca. In addition, many pharmacies across the region are about to receive supplies of the Moderna Vaccine.”

“Our advice is always to check in with your local GP first and then if necessary, consult the Department of Health’s online Vaccine Clinic Finder website.

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