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International Nurses day highlights the importance of nurse immunisers

May 12 is International Nurses Day and the PHN wishes all our dedicated primary care nurses a Happy International Nurses Day.

On this day as well as expressing our sincere gratitude for the significant contribution nurses have made throughout the COVID-19 pandemic we would like to launch our new Primary Care Workforce Connexion (PCWC) service.

What is the PCWC?

The Primary Care Workforce Connexion (PCWC) is an initiative developed by the PHN to facilitate the connection between interested nurse immunisers and general practices across our region who are seeking additional immunisation workforce resources.

How will it work?

Interested nurses/authorised nurse immunisers register their details and availability using the below web link.

When a general practice submits a request for additional immunisation workforce resources, the PHN will provide the practice details to nurses located nearby to the practice. The nurse/immuniser details are also shared with the practice.

Role of the PHN

The PHN is not involved with anything further in the process. It is the responsibility of the individual/s and interested practice to undertake relevant employment/contractual discussions and actions.

How do I register?

Follow the below web links and QR codes to register to participate or to submit a request for additional immunisation workforce resources:

Primary Care Workforce Connexion (PCWC) Registration Link (Nurses): Primary Care Workforce Connexion (PCWC) Nurse Registration Form

Primary Care Workforce Connexion (PCWC) Request for Workforce Link (General Practices): Primary Care Workforce Connexion (PCWC) General Practice Request Form

If you have any further enquiries please email

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