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Japanese Encephalitis Vaccination Update: Expanded Coverage in NSW

NSW has expanded its Japanese Encephalitis (JEV) vaccination coverage to now include 14 additional Local Government Areas (LGAs), offering free vaccines to individuals at the highest risk.

Expanded Eligibility Criteria

Starting November 28th, individuals aged 2 months and older living or working in the identified high-risk LGAs are eligible for a free JEV vaccination.

This expansion targets those who:

  • Regularly spend time outdoors, increasing their vulnerability to mosquito bites OR
  • Experience homelessness OR
  • Reside in conditions with limited mosquito protection, such as tents or caravans OR
  • Engage in prolonged outdoor recovery efforts following floods.

There is no change to people eligible for free JE vaccine owing to occupational risk across Australia. For the complete list of eligible vaccine groups, see the NSW Health Japanese Encephalitis vaccine webpage.

Risk of JEV for the Mosquito Season

As we head into a dry and hot summer, the mosquito population is expected to decrease inland, thereby lowering the risk of flaviviruses like JEV. However little evidence exists that shows how JEV will respond to diverse environmental conditions in Australia. NSW Health advises the public to remain vigilant against mosquito bites by employing protective measures:

  • Spray up, use repellent.
  • Cover up, wear long-sleeved shirts, and long pants.
  • Screen up, cover windows and doors with insect screens.
  • Clean up, remove any containers that hold water where mosquitoes may breed.

Mosquito repellents and sunscreen: If used together with sunscreen, the sunscreen should be used first, following the repellent.
For detailed information, visit the NSW Health mosquito-borne disease resources webpage.

Why has the vaccination criteria been updated now?

Ongoing evaluations by NSW Health, in consultation with health and environmental experts, have prompted the expansion of vaccination criteria. Retrospective testing and modelling have identified the 14 newly included LGAs as potential sustainers of the main vector for flaviviruses. Additionally, an improved vaccine supply in NSW has enabled the inclusion of those at the highest risk.

Vaccine Ordering Information

Healthcare providers can conveniently order vaccine doses through the State Vaccine Centre at For substantial orders exceeding current limits, please reach out to the local Public Health Unit.

Pharmacists interested in vaccine administration can find further information, including training requirements, on the pharmacist vaccination webpage.

Cost Considerations

While Japanese encephalitis vaccines provided through the State Vaccine Centre are free, patients may incur an administration or consultation fee from some providers. NSW Health is emphasizing the importance of reasonable fees to ensure equitable access for eligible individuals.

This update underscores the commitment of NSW Health to proactively address public health concerns. By expanding JE vaccination coverage, we aim to enhance community protection against potential risks.

For further details and updates, visit the NSW Health Japanese Encephalitis vaccine webpage or contact your local public health unit on 1300 066 055.

Risk of JEV for the Mosquito Season

As we head into a dry and hot summer, the mosquito population is expected to decrease inland, thereby lowering the risk of flaviviruses like JEV. However little evidence exists that shows how JEV will respond to diverse environmental conditions in Australia. NSW Health advises the public to remain vigilant against mosquito bites by employing protective measures:

  • Spray up, use repellent.
  • Cover up, wear long-sleeved shirts, and long pants.
  • Screen up, cover windows and doors with insect screens.
  • Clean up, remove any containers that hold water where mosquitoes may breed.

Mosquito repellents and sunscreen: If used together with sunscreen, the sunscreen should be used first, following the repellent.
For detailed information, visit the NSW Health mosquito-borne disease resources webpage.

Why has the vaccination criteria been updated now?

Ongoing evaluations by NSW Health, in consultation with health and environmental experts, have prompted the expansion of vaccination criteria. Retrospective testing and modelling have identified the 14 newly included LGAs as potential sustainers of the main vector for flaviviruses. Additionally, an improved vaccine supply in NSW has enabled the inclusion of those at the highest risk.

Vaccine Ordering Information

Healthcare providers can conveniently order vaccine doses through the State Vaccine Centre at For substantial orders exceeding current limits, please reach out to the local Public Health Unit.

Pharmacists interested in vaccine administration can find further information, including training requirements, on the pharmacist vaccination webpage.

Cost Considerations

While Japanese encephalitis vaccines provided through the State Vaccine Centre are free, patients may incur an administration or consultation fee from some providers. NSW Health is emphasizing the importance of reasonable fees to ensure equitable access for eligible individuals.

This update underscores the commitment of NSW Health to proactively address public health concerns. By expanding JE vaccination coverage, we aim to enhance community protection against potential risks.

For further details and updates, visit the NSW Health Japanese Encephalitis vaccine webpage or contact your local public health unit on 1300 066 055.

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