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PHN says farewell to Chairperson, Jane Schwager AO

The Hunter New England Central Coast (HNECC) Primary Health Network (PHN) will farewell current Chairperson, Jane Schwager AO, this November as her nine-year tenure comes to an end.

Jane’s contribution to the PHN goes back to its inception. Before becoming Chair, Jane led government departments including the Department of Health, Community Services, Ageing and Disability and Treasury in the NSW Government, in addition to several national not-for-profit organisations and is now working independently as a Board Director and Tribunal member. Her past roles included Director General of the NSW Department of Ageing and Disability and the NSW Social Policy Directorate.

“Jane brought great experience to her role as Chairperson,” said Richard Nankervis, HNECC PHN CEO. “Her knowledge, diplomacy and positive approach has been invaluable to the PHN over the last nine years.”

“Jane’s pragmatic style and steady hands have led us through some challenging times, including the COVID-19 pandemic, and she leaves us in great shape. The PHN Board and Executive have always felt fully supported by Jane. As CEO, I’ve greatly appreciated the way she has kept the Board looking up and out, always focused on the long-term strategy.”

“Jane has been an excellent leader, mentor and friend and we thank her for the significant contribution she has made to the Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network.”

Jane's achievements have been acknowledged through a number of awards including an Order of Australia (AO) in 2009 for services to not-for profits and government, a recipient of a 2003 Centenary Medal for Services to Australian Society in Business Leadership and a recipient of the Harvard Club of Australia Non Profit Fellowship in 2001.

Just some of the achievements and innovative programs at the PHN during Jane’s time as Chairperson include:

  • EReferral development
  • introduction of pitch nights
  • Care Navigation Pilot
  • inaugural Commissioning showcase
  • Rural Workforce proposal completion
  • Allied Health Strategy development
  • National policy papers around Telehealth and Distribution Priority areas Grants
  • Pilots for Domestic Family Violence and Movement Disorder Nurse.

Jane formally stepped down as Chairperson following the PHN’s AGM on 14th November 2022.

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