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The PHN Launches 23-28 Strategic Plan

The Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network (HNECC PHN) has launched its 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, providing a detailed overview of its strategic intent, priorities and desired outcomes for the five years ahead.

With a vision of healthy people and healthy communities, the role of the PHN is to fund and support primary care services across the vast Hunter, New England and Central Coast region, increasing equity of access.

HNECC PHN Chief Executive Officer, Richard Nankervis, said “the PHN is pleased to present our 2023-2028 Strategic Plan. We recognise the challenges faced by primary care clinicians and providers across the region, and their tireless efforts to provide primary health care in our communities”.

“Our 23-28 strategic plan is ambitious and aims to respond to two distinct challenges for our region and the primary care space, specifically, enhancing the primary care workforce and demonstrating exceptional commissioning through leadership and performance.”

Five key ambitions will drive the PHN to respond to these two challenges:

  • Stabilise and enhance the primary care workforce.
  • Improve equity of access to primary care through digitally incorporated services.
  • Improve health access for priority groups.
  • Maximise funding for the primary care sector in our region.
  • Demonstrate exceptional value for money in our commissioning of health services.

“These areas of primary focus will guide the PHN’s work over the next five years ensuring we step closer to our long-term goal of access to timely and high-quality face-to-face or virtual primary care for every person in the region through needs-based, world class commissioning,” said Richard.

HNECC PHN Chair, Wendy Machin, has led the Board of Directors in the development of the Strategic Plan. “As we work towards these areas of focus, we recognise that at its heart, health care is all about people, and we are committing to continuing to engage strongly with clinicians and communities across the region”.

“As the lead organisation for primary healthcare we must partner with others for greater growth, strengthen primary care through the provision of targeted analysis and policy advice and improve the services we deliver through strengthened connection to our communities”.

“We have to do things differently, circumstances necessitate that. We’ll continue to be agile and responsive in times of crisis and change and remain committed to building exceptional capability, delivery and culture within our people, providers, partners and communities.”

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