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Tripling of the bulk billing incentive, from November 1.

From 1 November 2023, there will be new MBS bulk billing items with higher incentive payments. These payments are triple the amount of existing standard bulk billing incentive payments. Doctors can use these when bulk billing the following types of consultations:

All face-to-face general attendance consultations that are;

  • longer than 6 minutes (that is Levels B, C, D and E)
  • in any location (in and out of consulting rooms, residential aged care facilities)
  • at any time (business and after-hours items)

MBS Level B video and telephone general attendance consultations

Video and telephone consultations that are:

  • longer than 20 minutes (Levels C, D and E (video only)) and
  • the patient is registered with the practice through MyMedicare.

The standard bulk billing incentive payments will continue to be available for doctors to co-claim when bulk billing with:

  • MBS Level A (and equivalent) general attendance consultations
  • Level C, D and E video and telephone general attendance consultations where the patient is not enrolled in MyMedicare
  • all other relevant MBS unreferred services, for example
  1. chronic disease management items
  2. Better Access mental health items
  3. eating disorder items
  4. health assessments
  5. minor procedures.

Why it is important.

Increasing MBS bulk billing incentive payments will support:

  • doctors to continue to bulk bill Australians who feel cost of living pressures most acutely
  • younger Australians and concessional patients to better access affordable general practice services.

For more information:
Building a stronger Medicare – Budget 2023–24 | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

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