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Events - Submitted

Heart Failure Masterclass

A panel of cardiology experts will take a deep dive into the challenges and opportunities in treating heart failure in primary care, the recent developments in pharmacological treatment options, and how to practically implement best practice guidelines in a primary care setting.

This masterclass will be hosted by:

Prof Andrew  Sindone,   Director, Heart Failure Unit and Department of Cardiac Rehabilitation, Concord Hospital and Head of Department of Cardiology, Ryde Hospital, NSW ; Prof John Atherton , Director of Cardiology, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, QLD; A/Prof John  Amerena, Director, Cardiology Research, Barwon Health and Director, Heart Failure Programme, University Hospital Geelong, NSW . 

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Events - Submitted

PRIME TIME IN T2D: are GPs ready for GLP-1s?

Is there a case to be made for the use of GLP-1 receptor agonists (RAs) as second line therapy in patients who have failed to achieve HbA1c control with Metformin? In this online masterclass, a panel of diabetes experts will tackle this question, including discussions of glycaemic control, renal considerations, the barriers to using GLP-1 RAs second line, a case study example, and a panel discussion of how to practically implement best practice guidelines in a primary care setting.

This masterclass will be hosted by:

Prof Merlin Thomas , Director of the Biochemistry of Diabetes Complications Laboratory, Department of Diabetes, Monash University, VIC ; Dr Ted Wu, Director of the Diabetes Centre, The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, NSW ; A/Prof Ralph  Audehm, General Practitioner, Carlton Family Medical Practice and Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, Department of General Practice, The University of Melbourne, VIC.

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Events - Submitted

Not waiting on weight: Tackling the two-thirds now overweight or obese

Join a leading panel of experts as they discuss how to tackle Australia’s obesity crisis. Hear the latest on clinical interventions in obesity, a summary of recent clinical trials, and recommendations for a multi-disciplinary blueprint for weight loss intervention in primary care.

This masterclass will be hosted by:

Prof John Dixon, Primary Care Research, Monash University, VIC ; A/Prof Samantha Hocking, Endocrinologist,  Royal Prince Alfred Hospital,  University of Sydney, NSW ; Dr Catherine Bacus , Bariatric General Practitioner , Alevia Medical Weight Loss, VIC.

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Events - Submitted

Australian Healthcare Week Expo

Celebrating 10 years of healthcare, in 2021 a core theme of Australian Healthcare Week is how we can leverage data, digital and innovative technologies to improve patient outcomes and experience. Don't miss your chance to connect and learn from leaders in digital healthcare, from organisations like Sydney Local Health District, the Agency for Clinical Innovation, Healthscope, NSW Health, Macquarie University Hospital and more.

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Events - Submitted

2021 Indigenous Wellbeing Conference

Its theme will be “Honouring Indigenous Voices & Wisdom: Balancing the System to Close the Gap” and will showcase a high calibre of keynote speakers and presenters, covering four vital topics: (1) Promoting Wellness, (2) Social, Emotional & Cultural Determinants, (3) Community Care & Social Recovery and (4) Service Care & Recovery.

With a vision to “shine light on the key challenges in Indigenous communities and address the past and present issues contributing to inequities in mental health treatment and care,” the conference is set to enlighten, educate, and share the hard truths amongst keynote speakers, presenters and attendees.

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