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Events - Submitted

CPR - Resuscitation Skills (BLS-CPR) for General Practice

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this activity participants will be able to...

1. Identify and apply the steps that need to be taken in the event of a cardiac arrest patient in the general practice setting.

2. Recall the appropriate methods and processes of gaining emergency assistance in the general practice setting, in the event of a cardiac arrest.

3. Manage a suspected cardiac arrest including the demonstration of BLS-CPR procedures, including the delivery of effective ventilations and compressions and use of an AED on all age groups using anatomically appropriate resuscitation manikins.

4. Implement strategies in the practice to reduce the emotional impact of an emergency on individuals and the team.

Learn More Learn more about CPR - Resuscitation Skills (BLS-CPR) for General Practice
Events - Submitted

Essential Medicinal Cannabis Prescriber

This essentials course serves as an introduction to prescribing medicinal cannabis in the clinical setting and covers: • Therapeutic properties of medicinal cannabis • Clinical applications of medicinal cannabis in general practice • Differentiating adverse and therapeutic effects of medicinal cannabis • Treatment considerations, dosing and titration to ensure patient safety during cannabis treatment • Treatment landscape in Australia including legislation, prescribing, and access via the Special Access Scheme and Authorised Prescriber Scheme
Learn More Learn more about Essential Medicinal Cannabis Prescriber
Events - Submitted

Gross Motor Skills for Children under 2 Years: What can Physiotherapy do & When to Refer?

Session content will include:

• Review of gross motor skills for those under 2 years of age

• Identifying atypical gross motor development

• Understanding what a physiotherapist can do for gross motor delays

• Identifying when to refer a child with gross motor delays to a physiotherapist

• Case study discussion

Learn More Learn more about Gross Motor Skills for Children under 2 Years: What can Physiotherapy do & When to Refer?
Events - Submitted

2020 KDIGO Guidelines for Diabetes in CKD: Time for a change in clinical practice?

AstraZeneca, in conjunction with KDIGO, invites you to an insider’s view of the “2020 KDIGO Guidelines for Diabetes in CKD” and a robust panel discussion challenging clinical inertia and calling a time for change in clinical practice for patients with Diabetes and CKD. This webinar will be led by Professors Christoph Wanner (Nephrologist) and Sophia Zoungas (Endocrinologist) both members of the 2020 KDIGO Guidelines for Diabetes in CKD Guidelines working group. Additionally, Professor Zoungas, as Chair of the Living evidence for diabetes steering committee in Australia, will put the Living Guidelines for Diabetes into context and discuss implementation into local Clinical Practice.
Learn More Learn more about 2020 KDIGO Guidelines for Diabetes in CKD: Time for a change in clinical practice?
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