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Events - Submitted

2021 Outreach Forum

The 2021 Outreach Forum is an opportunity for outreach health practitioners and stakeholders who host outreach services to network, share stories of success, and learn about how others deliver outreach clinics to rural and Aboriginal communities.

The theme for this year's forum is: tenacity - persistence, realistic optimism and bounce back. It will consist of presentations, panel discussions and tabletop sessions that highlight the tenacity of outreach health practitioners and service providers and their continued commitments to improve health outcomes for patients and communities

Learn More Learn more about 2021 Outreach Forum
Events - Submitted

Youth Mental Health and its impact on General Practice

Youth Mental Health issues are becoming an increasingly common presentation in children and young people presenting to primary care providers and hospitals. It’s even more challenging if the child has developmental delay, complex family dynamics and associated medical/genetic co morbidities.This event will examine Youth Mental Health and its impact on General Practice

Learn More Learn more about Youth Mental Health and its impact on General Practice
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