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Advanced Life Support

Saturday, February 5th 2022
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Places are limited to 10 registrants

RACGP Accredited Activity 40 CPD Points
  • Attracts 3 Performance review PDP units, 5 Educational activity PDP units + 3 Emergency Medicine MOPS, 1 Anaesthetics Emergency Response MOP.
  • A specialised course that satisfies the requirements for Registrars of the RACGP for Advanced Life Support (ALS)
  • Components include theory and practical skills in CPR for all ages, defibrillation, trauma assessment, application of stiff neck collars, use of IO for vascular access, advanced airway care, managing airway obstructions with a laryngoscope and Magill forceps, cardiac arrest rhythms, ALS drug regimes and scenarios.
  • Course can be run as an extension of the Resuscitation Skills for General Practice course
Learning Outcomes
  • Perform resuscitation using with ARC BLS and ALS guidelines, including DRSABCDE.
  • Use a BVM device, oropharyngeal, nasopharyngeal and LMA airways and the use of a defibrillator in resuscitation.
  • Use various suction devices and MacGill's forceps for the relief of acute upper airway obstruction.
  • Identify and manage potential cervical spinal injuries using stiff neck collars and immobilization strategies.
  • Complete simulated scenarios, including team management, clinical interventions and patient safety.
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