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Best Sepsis Care for our Kids - A National Forum for Paediatric Sepsis Week

Wednesday, April 24th 2024
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Join the Queensland Paediatric Sepsis Program and Sepsis Australia, for Best Sepsis Care for our Kids, a national forum for Paediatric Sepsis Week, recognised during the 3rd week of April annually. Sepsis is a leading cause of harm in children worldwide, with infants and children aged under five years at greater risk. In Australia, vital work is being done in healthcare and community settings to increase awareness of paediatric sepsis and improve outcomes for children diagnosed with sepsis and their families. In addition to presentations from Sepsis champions across Australia, with a focus on sepsis pathways, parental concern, and the importance of the consumer voice, Best Sepsis Care for our Kids will explore the spectrum of sepsis care in a live discussion panel with our consumer representative, doctor and nurse.
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