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Clinical Case Webinar: Patient transfers between opioid agonist treatment pharmacotherapies

Tuesday, November 22nd 2022
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Do you prescribe opioid treatment pharmacotherapies to your pateients? Join us for our next OTAC clinical case webinar, where we disucss patient transfers between different opioid treatment pharmacotherapies.

This upcoming webinar will discuss what clinicians should consider when transferring a patient between methadone, sublingual buprenorphine or depot buprenorphine pharmacotherapies. Within the discussion we will reflect upon clinical considerations that may impact on medication choice, including common pitfalls, patient preference, and patients who may be pregnant.

This session will be convened by Dr Sharon Reid (Medical Officer) and Dr Joshua Watt (GP Specialist & Addiction Medicine Advanced Trainee), both based at SLHD Drug Health Services.


This monthly webinar series involves case-based discussions, with seminar learning resources provided at the end of the session. Whilst primarily aimed towards prescribers of OAT, we welcome other health professionals to join in. The OTAC and the Clinical Case Webinars are managed by the University of Sydney Specialty of Addiction Medicine with funding from the NSW Ministry of Health.

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