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Coaching for Sustainable Active Living: A 1-day workshop

Friday, April 19th 2024
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
$330 + GST

Health consultations are typically quite directive & prescriptive. Whilst this is often by necessity, such interactions have important implications for patient-client motivation. In this workshop, Dr Gordon Spence (psychologist & exercise scientist) & Dr Jill Gamberg (lifestyle medicine physician) introduce an innovative, evidence-based approach to helping patient-clients develop greater ownership over their physical health goals and more enduring motivation to live actively.

The Health Activation Process is grounded in autonomy supportive, person-centred principles. It offers skilled helpers with a way of bolstering the health agency of individuals.
This workshop is practical, interactive, fun & informative. It offers knowledge & tools that will be both personally relevant & easily applied for the benefit of clients.

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