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COVID 19: Legal and Workplace Claims for Allied Health

Tuesday, December 7th 2021
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted workforces around the world and continues to disrupt employment practices across Australia. The need to draft workplace policies relating to COVID-19 vaccinations is a live issue. This webinar is presented by employment and superannuation/insurance lawyers from Maurice Blackburn and will provide a general overview of the state of the law and highlight the key issues around vaccine policies in workplaces, from an employee and employer prospective. Common COVID related questions will be answered such as:

• What are your legal responsiblities as an employer and employee with respect to COVID?

• Can you decline someone who is not double vaccinated service if you are a health professional?

• What do you have to do if you have a COVID postive case in your clinic?

• What do you do about vaccine hesitant staff?

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