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COVID-19 Update for Pharmacies: Vaccines & Infection Prevention & Control

Thursday, September 16th 2021
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

With the continuing increase in the number and severity of COVID-19 infections, and the rapid uptake in vaccinations, the demands on pharmacists and pharmacy staff are rising. Please join us for this update discussing the the most recent information on the COVID-19 vaccines, pharmacy run vaccine clinics and the multiple considerations for infection prevention and control for pharmacies.

Discussion topics will include:
• Vaccine efficacy (Vaxzevria formerly Astra Zeneca & Moderna) and dose intervals
• Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFI) counselling
• PPE use for vaccination and for pharmacy staff in general
• Cleaning & Infection Prevention & Control practices with patients
• Business continuity if a positive COVID-19 case has been in the pharmacy
• Examples of Pharmacy run vaccination clinics

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