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Crohn’s & Colitis Australia’s Inflammatory Bowel Disease for GPs and Physicians Webinar 2

Thursday, March 24th 2022
1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
GP, A/Prof Dr Jane Smith, and gastroenterologist, Eva Zhang, have been involved in the development of new and updated IBD materials to ensure effective and best practice management techniques have been applied. A key accomplishment has included the development of new summary guidelines to provide insightful, quick and essential IBD information to GPs in minimal time. This 30 minute webinar will highlight some key updates on the project, a GP opinion about managing IBD in the clinical setting, information about new guidelines and upcoming education about IBD. GPs and physicians are encouraged to join by attending the upcoming webinar to learn how they can best support the Federal Government’s IBD National Action Plan and to learn about the new tools and resources available to them via IBD GP Aware.
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