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Diabetes Alliance Program Plus (DAP+) Inaugural Multidisciplinary Conference

Starts: Friday, November 17th 2023 at 9:00 AM
Ends: Sunday, November 19th 2023 at 3:00 PM
15 Thompsons Road
Pokolbin NSW 2320
View Map
From $100 - $400

Ensuring equitable access to diabetes care

The Diabetes Alliance Program Plus (DAP+) welcomes all clinicians caring for people with diabetes to attend the DAP+ Inaugural Multidisciplinary Conference, focusing on the provision of equitable access to diabetes care.

The conference topics over the 3 days will target information relevant to General Practitioners, Practice Nurses, Pharmacists, Podiatrists, Dietitians, Exercise Physiologists, Aboriginal Health Practitioners and Workers and Diabetes Educators. Some of the key presenters will include Endocrinologists, Orthopaedic and Vascular Surgeons, Podiatrists, Dietitians, Diabetes Educators and many more experts in diabetes care.

When: Friday 17 November 2023 - Sunday 19 November 2023
Where: Hunter Valley NSW - Cypress Lakes Resort 15 Thompsons Road, Pokolbin NSW
Conference Fees:

Conference Days Fee
Friday $100
Saturday, Dinner, Sunday $300
Whole conference Friday-Sunday $350
Saturday DINNER ONLY $90
Saturday conference and dinner $200
Sunday only $100


Conference delegates can stay onsite at the Cypress Lakes Resort.

Other local accommodation:
Please call and state you are attending the Primary Health Network event for a discounted rate.
Mercure Hunter Valley Gardens
: 02 4998 2000
02 4998 4300

Agenda Overview

Friday Saturday Sunday
Nurse Stream General Practitioners, Nurses, Aboriginal Health Practitioners and Allied Health Providers General Practitioners, Nurses, Aboriginal Health Practitioners and Allied Health Providers
Podiatry Stream Presentations Exercise Session
Dietitian Stream Case Studies Presentations
Networking Dinner Case Studies

Conference Agendas

Day One Friday 17 - Podiatry, Nurses and Dietitians
Nursing Dietitian Podiatry
0845 Registration
0915 Acknowledgement & Welcome
0930 Celebrating World Diabetes Day & Nurses - Diabetes 2023 - Type 2 – Not all the same! Diabetes Dialogues: Workshops Session 1 The Charcuterie Board of Current Therapies The Life of A Diabetic Foot - Next steps in Podiatry: The Future of Podiatry and Changes in Podiatry Courses - Deadly Healthy Feet Program
1030 Diabetes Medications Update - Libre Application (optional) Diabetes Dialogues: Workshops Session 1 Rural Care Diabetes – Diversity of Dietetic Practice If The Shoe Fits: Custom Footwear
1100 Morning Tea
1130 Obesity – Who’s to blame: A Lived Experience Diabetes Dialogues: Workshops Session 2 Medical Nutrition Therapy Update Step by Step: Podiatry in Routine Practice for Clients
1215 Motivational Interviewing and Behavioural Change Motivational Interviewing Get off on the Right Foot
1300 Lunch DAP+ ecofit Demo DAP+ ecofit Demo DAP+ ecofit Demo
1345 Insulin Therapy Theatrics Type 2 – Not all the same! Dietetics in the Clinic for the Diabetic Foot
1415 Obesity – Who’s to blame: A Lived Experience Diabetes BINGO - CGM & The AGP: Let’s Take a Look No Money, No Time - Educating Various CALD Groups - Managing Diabetes Burnout - Language in Diabetes GPMP & EPC with Q&A - Tabletop Presentations, Update on Diabetic Foot Assessment, WalkEasy demo, Q&A High Risk Foot Service
1620 Evaluation via Slido
1630 Poolside Canapes and Networking Ev
Podiatry Stream Friday 17
Time Presentation Presenter
Registration 08:45 Registration PHN/HNE Podiatrist
Welcome 09:10 Acknowledgement of Country Alicia Southwell Implementation Manager, DAP+
Presentations 09:15 The Life of A Diabetic Foot Nathan Jackson Senior Podiatrist, Greater Newcastle High Risk Foot Service and DAP+
09:30 Next steps in Podiatry: The Future of Podiatry and Changes in Podiatry Courses Dr Andrea Coda Head of Podiatry, University of Newcastle; Senior Fellow United Nations Institute for Training & Research and Dr Antoni Fellas Lecturer, School of Health Sciences, University of Newcastle
10:00 Deadly Healthy Feet Program Emma Martin, Senior Podiatrist and High Risk Foot Service Coordinator, NECACS Podiatry and Jacob Shanley, Aboriginal Health Practitioner/Deadly Healthy Feet Worker – Healthy Deadly Feet Program HNELHD
10:30 If The Shoe Fits: Custom Footwear for the diabetic foot Craig Laird and Jonathan Madden Pedorthist, WalkEasy
Morning Tea 11:00
Presentations 11:30 Step By Step: Podiatry in Routine Practice for Clients Nathan Jackson Senior Podiatrist, Greater Newcastle High Risk Foot Service
12:00 Get Off on the Right Foot: Orthoses and prosthetics for the diabetic patient Kayla Osinki Orthotist and Rachel Gonsalves Prosthetist, Hunter Prosthetics and Orthotics Services
Lunch 1:00 DAP+ ecofit Demo
Presentations 1:45 Dietetics in the Clinic for the diabetic foot Hailey Donnelly Dietitian, PhD Candidate, Greater Newcastle Service
2:15 GPMP & EPC with Q&A time Heidi Avery Primary Care Improvement Officer, HNECC Primary Health Network
3:00 Tabletop Presentations; Update on Diabetic Foot Assessment, WalkEasy demo, and Q&A with High Risk Foot Service Dr Antoni Fellas, Craig Laird, Jonathan Madden & Nathan Jackson
Close 4:20 Wrap Up & Slido Evaluation Nathan Jackson
Networking 4:30 Poolside Canapes and Networking Podiatry, Dietitian and Nursing Streams
Dietitian Stream Friday 17
Time Presentation Presenter
Registration 08:45 Registration DAP+/ PHN Team
Welcome 09:15 Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome Emma Bone Dietitian Consultant, DAP+ & Greater Newcastle Diabetes Service
Presentations 9:30 The Charcuterie Board of Current Therapies Dr William Yu, Endocrinologist, John Hunter Hospital and DAP+
10:30 Rural Care Diabetes– Diversity of Dietetic Practice Katherine Chan, Dietitian, Tamworth Diabetes Service
Morning Tea 11:00
Presentations 11:30 Medical Nutrition Therapy Update Shantelle McDermott, Diabetes Dietitian, Greater Newcastle Diabetes Service
12:15 Motivational Interviewing Anna Jansson, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Newcastle
Lunch 1:00 DAP+ ecofit Demo
Presentation 1:45 Type 2 – Not all the same! A/Prof Shamasunder, Acharya Head of Department, Diabetes & Endocrinology, John Hunter Hospital; Clinical Lead DAP+
Rapid Fire Presentations 2:15 No Money, No Time Katherine Chan, Dietitian, Research Assistant, HMRI and University of Newcastle
Working with clients from CALD migrant communities Andrew Roberts, Dietitian, Armidale Community Health Centre
Managing Diabetes Burnout Natalie James-Ducquet, Diabetes Dietitian, Greater Newcastle Diabetes Service
Language in Diabetes Shantelle McDermott and Marion Hawker, Credentialled Diabetes Educator, DAP+
Close 4:20 Evaluation via Slido PHN & HNE Team
Networking 4:30 Poolside Canapes and Networking Dietitian, Podiatry and Nursing Streams
Nurses Stream Friday 17
Time Presentations Presenter
Registration 08:45 Registrations DAP+ / PHN Team
Welcome 09:15 Acknowledgement of Country & Welcome Morag Joseph, DAP+ Implementation Manager
Presentations 09:20 Celebrating World Diabetes Day & Nurses Michelle Kriss, Diabetes Service Manager, Greater Newcastle Diabetes Service
09:30 Diabetes 2023 Type 2 – Not all the same! A/Prof Shamasunder Acharya, Head of Department, Diabetes & Endocrinology, John Hunter Hospital; Clinical Lead DAP+
10:20 Diabetes Dialogues: Workshops Session 1 Dr Bernice Ong, DAP+ Advanced Trainee, Endocrinology, Sharon Ross-Evans, DAP+ CNS CDE - Gill Dan, CNC CDE Greater Newcastle Diabetes Service - Dr Ben Britton, Clinical & Health Psychologist at John Hunter Hospital - Emma Bone, Senior GNs Dietitian - Wendy Ferris, DAP+ CDE
10:55 Trivia Round 1 Sharon Ross-Evans, DAP+ CNS/Diabetes Educator
Morning Tea 11:00 5-minute Libre application (optional) Wendy Ferris, DAP+ Diabetes Educator
Presentations 11:30 Diabetes Dialogues: Workshops Session 2 Dr Bernice Ong, DAP+ Advanced Trainee, Endocrinology, Sharon Ross-Evans, DAP+ CNS CDE - Gill Dan, CNC CDE Greater Newcastle Diabetes Service - Dr Ben Britton, Clinical & Health Psychologist at John Hunter Hospital - Emma Bone, Senior GNs Dietitian - Wendy Ferris, DAP+ CDE
12:15 Motivational interviewing and behaviour change Dr Ben Britton, Clinical & Health Psychologist at John Hunter Hospital
12:55 Trivia Round 2
Lunch 1:00 DAP+ ecofit Demo
Workshops 1:45 Insulin Therapy Theatrics Multidisciplinary performers - Dr Judy Luu, Director of, General Medicine, John Hunter Hospital. Senior Staff Specialist, Endocrinology, Diabetes and General Medicine, Diabetes Educators Gill & Sharon with Dr William Yu as Narrator
2:30 Obesity – Who’s to blame: Multidisciplinary performers - Dr Judy Luu, Director of, General Medicine, John Hunter Hospital. Senior Staff Specialist, Endocrinology, Diabetes and General Medicine, Diabetes Educators Gill & Sharon with Dr William Yu as Narrator
3:15 Diabetes Bingo and Prizes Dr Willian Yu, DAP+ Endocrinologist - Michelle Kriss
3:40 CGM & The AGP: Let’s Take a Look Dr Bernice Ong / Gill Dan
4:20 A Lived Experience
Close 4:25 Evaluation via Slido PHN & HNE Team
Networking 4:30 Poolside Canapes and Networking Nursing, Dietitian and Podiatry Streams
Day Two Saturday 18 - All Primary Care Professionals
Time Presentation Presenter
Registration 0845 Registration Open DAP+ / PHN Team
0915 Welcome to Country Aunty Cynthia
Welcome 0930 Welcome and opening Martha Parsons, Strategic Manager, DAP+
0945 Diabetes 2023 and Beyond A/Prof Roger Chen, Endocrinologist, St. Vincent’s Sydney Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine, Concord Clinical School
Morning Tea 1045 DAP+ ecofit Demo
Executive Address 1115 Tracey McCosker PSM Chief Executive Officer Hunter New England LHD
1130 Diabetes Alliance Program Plus: An Overview A/Prof Shamasunder Acharya, Clinical Lead, DAP+
Lunch 1215 DAP+ ecofit Demo
Myth Busting Debate 1315 Nutrition vs Exercise - Myth Busting Debate A/Prof Alexis Hure, Associate Professor, Public Health, University of Newcastle; Research Lead for DAP+
Dr. Damien Jackel, Staff Specialist, General Medicine and Diabetes, John Hunter and Belmont Hospital
Dr. Anna Jansson, Post-doctoral Research Fellow, PhD. College of Human and Social Futures, University of Newcastle
Afternoon Tea 1415
Case Studies for Care Integration 1425 STREAM A: Session 1: Saving feet (Dr. Sankoorikal, Endocrinologist, Dr. Glanfield, Orthopaedic Senior Trainee, Dr. Ferguson, Infectious Disease physician, Dr. Desphande, Vascular Surgeon, Dr. Kumar, GP, N. Jackson, Senior Podiatrist) Nathan Jackson, Senior Podiatrist, Royal Newcastle Centre, High Risk Foot Service; DAP+ Podiatrist
1535 STREAM A: Session 2: The obese patient with diabetes (Dr. Thiruchelvam, Bariatric Specialist, Dr. Yu, Endocrinologist, M. Kriss, CDE & Consumer, E. Bone, Senior Dietitian, D. Parsons, Exercise Physiologist) Dr. Judy Luu Head of Department, General Medicine, John Hunter Hospital; Senior Staff Specialist, Endocrinology, Diabetes and General Medicine, John Hunter Hospital
1425 STREAM B: Session 1: Sick Days and Diabetic Emergencies (Dr. Rowe, Endocrinologist, Dr. Arnold, Emergency Physician, Dr. Redford, GP, G. Dan, CNC CDE) Dr. Michelle Redford GP Advisor, Primary and Integrated Care, Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network; Practicing GP, Newcastle
1535 STREAM B: Session 2: Frail patient with diabetes (Dr. Jackel, Diabetologist, Dr. Sagi, Geriatrician, E. Martin, Senior Podiatrist, H. Donnelly, Dietitian, M. Hawker, CDE) Dr. Joe Ferris, Practicing GP, Lower Mid-North Coast
Closing Remarks 1645 A/Prof Shamasunder Acharya
Dinner and Live Music 1830 Entertainment and Recognition Dress: Diabetes Blue
Day Three Sunday 19 - All Primary Care Professionals
Time Presentation Presenter
Exercise 0700 Outdoor live studio & Exercise DAP+ Physical Exercise team
Registration 0830
Welcome 0845 Dr William Yu
Presentations 0900 Liver in Metabolic Health A/Prof Simone Strasser Clinical Associate Professor Medicine, Central Clinical School, A W Morrow Gastroenterology and Liver Centre
1000 Diabetic Kidney Disease: How to Save Kidney Function A/Prof Bobby Chacko, Director, Renal Services, John Hunter Hospital; Senior Staff Specialist, Nephrology and Transplantation; Conjoint Associate Professor, University of Newcastle
1100 Address from the University of Newcastle by Conjoint Associate Professor Katie Wynne Conjoint A/Prof, Katie Wynne, University of Newcastle, Endocrinologist, John Hunter Hospital
Morning Tea 1115
Case Studies 1145 Room 1. Diabetes in Pregnancy - (A/Prof Acharya, Endocrinologist, Dr. Woods, Obstetrician, A. Gebuehr, CNC CDE, H. Donnelly, Dietitian) Conjoint A/Prof, Katie Wynne, University of Newcastle, Endocrinologist, John Hunter Hospital
Room 2. Updates on Insulin Therapy & Technology (Dr. Croker, Endocrinologist, S. Ross-Evans, CNS CDE, S. Fitzgerald, Pharmacist, Dr. Yu, Endocrinologist) Dr. Emma Croker Endocrinologist, John Hunter Hospital
Lunch and Farewells 1315

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Conference Keynote Speakers

Profile image of A/Prof Shamasunder Acharya

A/Prof Shamasunder Acharya

Conjoint Associate Professor at the University of Newcastle

Sham is well known with for implementing NSW Health award winning Diabetes Alliance Program across Hunter New England Health District which led to improved outcomes for several thousand people with diabetes. He is actively involved in Primary Care education in diabetes both locally and internationally.

He trained in India, England and Scotland before settling here in Newcastle. He is a conjoint Associate Professor at the University of Newcastle and has published research articles widely. He is currently the Director of Endocrinology and Diabetes at John Hunter Hospital. Sham is currently leading Diabetes Alliance plus program which will enhance diabetes alliance care to rural and remote parts of HNELHD.

He has been awarded staff member of the year 2016 HNELHD and received NSW premier award for integrated care in the same year.

Profile image of Professor Roger Chen

Professor Roger Chen

Senior Staff Specialist in Endocrinology, St. Vincent’s Hospital Sydney, Conjoint Professor in Medicine, University of New South Wales, Clinical Associate Professor, University of Sydney

Professor Roger Chen is Consultant Endocrinologist at St Vincent’s Hospital. He has special interests in diabetes, general and transplant endocrinology.

Prof Roger Chen graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery with honours from the University of Sydney and became a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in 1996. He completed an additional PhD on the metabolic effects of growth hormone excess and deficiency at the University of Sydney.

Roger is passionate about teaching the future generations of doctors. He till 2023 co-ordinated the endocrinology unit of the Masters of Internal Medicine for the University of Sydney and enjoys teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students at the University of New South Wales.

Profile image of Associate Professor Simone Strasser

Associate Professor Simone Strasser

Senior Staff Specialist in the AW Morrow Gastroenterology and Liver Centre

A/Professor Strasser is a Senior Staff Specialist in the AW Morrow Gastroenterology and Liver Centre, and the Australian National Liver Transplant Unit at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and the University of Sydney. She has a major clinical and research interest in primary liver cancer, viral hepatitis, metabolic associated fatty liver disease, advanced liver disease, and liver transplantation.

She is Director of Hepatology Clinical Trials at RPAH, and is site principal investigator on multiple clinical trials of new therapies for patients with liver disease and liver cancer. She is a regular speaker in national and local educational programs and sits on multiple educational, advisory, editorial and administrative boards and committees in Australia and internationally and is past President of the Gastroenterological Society of Australia (GESA). She is a director of the Liver Foundation, a national community-based charity providing education to GPs and advocacy, support and resources for patients and their families in all aspects of liver disease.

Profile image of Professor Bobby Chacko

Professor Bobby Chacko

Director of Renal Services and Senior Staff Specialist JHH

Prof Chacko is the Director of Renal services and senior staff specialist, Nephrology and Transplantation at John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle. He serves as the Chair for the NSW/ACT Renal Advanced Training Recruitment Committee . He has published over 60 papers in peer-reviewed journals and is the principal investigator for many ongoing clinic trials in Nephrology and Transplantation and the national leader for 3 clinical trials in IgA Nephropathy and diabetic kidney disease. He has an active interest in diabetic kidney disease, IgA nephropathy, Cardio-renal syndrome and renal transplant. He holds conjoint appointment at University of Newcastle and is passionate about medical education and clinical research.

Conference Presenters

Profile image of Dr Judy Luu

Dr Judy Luu

Consultant Endocrinologist

Dr Luu is an endocrinologist who has been working in the Newcastle Region for over 10 years. She graduated from The University of Sydney in 2000 and obtained her fellowship with the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in 2010 with dual specialisation in endocrinology and general medicine. She has been a staff specialist at John Hunter Hospital since 2010 and has been the Clinical Lead for the Diabetes Stream of Hunter New England Local Health District since 2016.

She is a member of the Endocrine Society of Australia, the Australian Diabetes Society, Endocrine Society (USA), Australian and New Zealand Bone Mineral Society, Internal Medicine Society of Australia and New Zealand and Australian Diabetes in Pregnancy Society. Her areas of interest include diabetes, metabolic bone disorders, transgender health and general endocrinology.

Profile image of A/Professor Katie Wynne

A/Professor Katie Wynne

Endocrinologist at John Hunter Hospital

A/Prof Wynne is an Endocrinologist at John Hunter Hospital and holds a Conjoint Associate Professor appointment at University of Newcastle. She completed her PhD as a Wellcome Trust Fellow and NIHR Clinical Lecturer at Imperial College London 2005-2012. After moving to Australia in 2012, she has continued to publish in the fields of metabolic health and endocrinology. She has particular clinical interests in antenatal endocrinology, metabolic health and transgender medicine. A/Prof Wynne sits on the research committee for the Australian Research Consortium for Transgender Youth and Children (ARCTYC) and Australasian Collaboration for Clinical Assessment in Medicine (ACCLAiM) and is Chair (Practitioner) of the Hunter Medical Research institute program ‘Equity in Health and Wellbeing’. In 2022, her project implementing supportive care in chronic disease was awarded the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards Quality Initiative Award in Clinical Excellence and Patient Safety.

Profile image of Dr Damien Jackel

Dr Damien Jackel

Director of General and Acute Care Medicine Advanced Training at John Hunter and Belmont Hospitals

Damien graduated from the University of Newcastle medical school with the University Medal in 2005. He completed his specialist training as a general and acute care physician in 2013, and works as a staff specialist in the general medicine and diabetes departments at John Hunter and Belmont District Hospitals. Damien has a strong background in medical education and is the director of General and Acute Care Medicine advanced training at John Hunter and Belmont Hospitals. He chairs the GCTC at John Hunter Hospital, which is responsible for supervising all matters related to junior medical officers, and is the director of the Assistants in Medicine program at John Hunter Hospital. Damien has a Masters in Public Health and sat on the council of the Internal Medicine Society of Australia and New Zealand for 7 years.

Damien has broad interests within general medicine including the care of complex patients with multiple medical conditions, preventing hospital admission, medication rationalisation, all with a strong focus on patient-centred care. He has deep interests in metabolic health and the benefits of physical activity. Damien provides all general diabetes care, along with assisting people who need help with weight management and managing their metabolic health risks.

Profile image of Dr Clarissa Sagi

Dr Clarissa Sagi

Geriatric and General Medicine Physician, John Hunter Hospital

Dr Clarissa Sagi is a Geriatric and General Medicine Physician based at the John Hunter Hospital. She is involved with NHMRC and HMRI supported research in improving outcomes for older surgical patients and completed her Master of Perioperative Medicine, Monash University. She is interested in collaborative models of care in improving care for older patients.

Profile image of Dr Christopher Rowe

Dr Christopher Rowe

Clinical Lead for the HNELHD Diabetes Stream

Dr Christopher Rowe is the Clinical Lead for the HNELHD Diabetes Stream, which unites district-wide practitioners to advocate for optimal diabetes care in our hospitals and community health centres. Current Stream priorities, aligned with HETI, are to improve diabetes care for admitted inpatients, improve handover between acute and community practitioners, and to optimise care for diabetes in pregnancy across the district. Outside of diabetes, Chris is the Chair of the HNELHD Thyroid Cancer MDT, and has a particular interest in thyroid and parathyroid disorders. Chris cares for people with diabetes at the JHH Acute Diabetes Clinic, and sees other endocrine disorders (not diabetes) at Newcastle Endocrinology in Charlestown.

Profile image of Dr Emma Croker

Dr Emma Croker


Dr Emma Croker is an Endocrinologist who works in Newcastle, NSW. She is a staff specialist at John Hunter Hospital and is part of the Diabetes Alliance Program Plus (DAP+) which is an initiative to deliver specialist diabetes care in the General Practice setting in the local health district and beyond. She also works privately at Newcastle Endocrinology with a special interest in endocrine hypertension and thyroid disease.

Profile image of Dr. William Yu

Dr. William Yu


Dr. William Yu is an Endocrinologist who trained through the John Hunter Hospital Endocrinology and Diabetes Department and more recently with the Diabetes Alliance Program. He studied medicine at Melbourne University before migrating up the coast seeking warmer weather to work first at Central Coast LHD and then Hunter New England LHD. He has interests in diabetes, general endocrinology and information technology. He enjoys providing specialist care to patients who live rurally and connecting with his rural colleagues.

Profile image of Dr Tsui Yue Ong (Bernice)

Dr Tsui Yue Ong (Bernice)

Endocrinology and General Medicine advanced trainee

Dr Tsui Yue Ong (Bernice) is a first year Endocrinology and General Medicine advanced trainee at John Hunter Hospital. She has started working with DAP+ team in August 2023. She was a former basic physician trainee at Nepean Hospital and have worked in different local health districts (both metropolitan and rural). She is passionate in preventative measures and awareness of metabolic syndrome.

Profile image of Associate Professor Alexis Hure

Associate Professor Alexis Hure

University of Newcastle and Hunter Medical Research Institute

Associate Professor Alexis Hure is from the University of Newcastle and Hunter Medical Research Institute. Alexis is committed to improving the health of populations through clinical trials and translational research aimed at chronic disease prevention and treatment. Alexis has a clinical background as an Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian and is the Diabetes Alliance Program Plus (DAP+) Research Lead. With a strong academic track record, she values stakeholder engagement and co-creating impactful research that is aimed at improving health, societal, and economic benefits for the community.

Profile image of Dr Antoni Fellas

Dr Antoni Fellas

Podiatrist and lecturer in Podiatry at University of Newcastle (UON)

Dr Fellas is a lecturer in Podiatry at the School of Health Sciences (SHS), College of Health, Medicine and Wellbeing (CHMW), University of Newcastle (UON). Dr Fellas is a member of the 'Equity in Health and Wellbeing Research Program' at the Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) and a current member of the Australian Podiatry Association (APODA) and Australian Paediatric Podiatry (APP) Group.

Dr Fellas is an AHPRA registered Podiatrist and has been a practicing clinician since graduating at the UON in 2014. Dr Fellas’ research and clinical focus are the fields of paediatrics, sports, diabetes, biomechanics and rheumatology. Most recently Antoni has been involved in leading novel research in the implementation of smart technology to improve glycaemic control in patients with all forms of diabetes mellitus.

Profile image of Dr Ben Britton

Dr Ben Britton

Head of Psychology for HNE Mental Health

Dr Britton is the Head of Psychology for HNE Mental Health. He worked for many years at Newcastle’s John Hunter Hospital. He holds a Doctorate of Clinical & Health Psychology and a PhD in Psychiatry. He has collaborated with researchers and clinicians across all chronic illness domains including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Despite a full clinical load, Dr Britton has won multiple awards, published extensively in peer reviewed journals, been invited to keynote and present at national and international conferences and is a sought-after presenter and trainer at professional events.

His research has encompassed studies and trials at local, national, and international institutions. Dr Britton holds a conjoint position with the University of Newcastle and teaches medical, psychology, radiation medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology, and podiatry students; and supervises several postgraduate students.

Profile image of Dr. Anna Jansson

Dr. Anna Jansson

Post-doctoral Researcher, PhD.

Dr. Anna Jansson Post-doctoral Researcher, PhD, BPsych (Hons) is a post-doctoral researcher in the School of Education and the Centre for Active Living and Learning at the University of Newcastle. She attained her PhD in Education in 2022. Anna also holds general registration as a psychologist (currently non-practicing) and has several years experience working as a behaviour support practitioner/psychologist with clients supported by the National Disability Insurance Scheme and in general practice.

Profile image of Dr Michelle Redford

Dr Michelle Redford

GP, Blackbutt Doctors Surgery

Dr Michelle Redford is a GP at Blackbutt Doctors Surgery in New Lambton, and has an advisory role within Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network. She is a certified health informatician (CHIA), and an advocate for the use of clinical data to inform quality improvement in primary care. Michelle has a long-standing interest in the management of long term conditions, complexity and multi morbidity in general practice.

Michelle is passionate about social prescribing, and has a volunteer role with parkrun Australia to empower health care professionals to prescribe parkrun to their patients.

Profile image of Dr Tim Arnold

Dr Tim Arnold

Emergency Physician

Dr Tim Arnold is an Emergency Physician working between Belmont and John Hunter Hospitals. He is the Clinical Director of the Belmont Hospital Emergency Department. Tim has completed both FACEM and FRACGP and has lived in Newcastle for most of the last twenty years.

Profile image of Dr Robert Glanfield

Dr Robert Glanfield

Orthopaedic Surgeon Trainee

Robert is in the final phase of completing Orthopaedic training. Robert has a particular interest in foot and ankle surgery and will soon commence a 12-month Fellowship in foot and ankle surgery in Calgary, Canada in August 2024. After his Fellowship, Robert plans on returning to the Hunter New England region and working within both the public and private sector. He is hopeful of being able to further strengthen the established multidisciplinary model of care for diabetic foot pathology.

Profile image of Dr Andrea Coda

Dr Andrea Coda

Podiatrist, Head of Discipline & Program Convenor (Podiatry) at the University of Newcastle (UON)

Dr Andrea Coda is an AHPRA registered Podiatrist with over 16 years of international clinical experience. Andrea is the Head of Discipline & Program Convenor (Podiatry) at the University of Newcastle (UON). Dr Coda is a member of the 'Equity in Health and Wellbeing Research Program' at the Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) and serves as ‘Honorary Allied Health Clinical Academic Conjoint' for the Hunter New England Local Health District. Andrea also is a Senior Fellow for ‘United Nations Institute for Training and Research’ (UNITAR) at ‘CIFAL Newcastle’. Andrea actively contributes to the field as a Clinical Advisor for the Ministry of Health in the Catalan government. He also holds an international 'Conjoint Academic' position at the University of Manresa-Barcelona (Cataluña, Spain).

Andrea is passionate to integrate innovative technologies into the Podiatry program, ensuring that students receive the most advanced, evidence-based education, and graduate as 'life-ready' professionals.

Profile image of Dr John Ferguson

Dr John Ferguson

Clinical Microbiologist and Infectious Diseases Physician

Dr John Ferguson is a Clinical Microbiologist and Infectious Diseases Physician with Hunter New England Health and a conjoint associate professor with the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia. His interests include healthcare-associated infection control and antimicrobial resistance and stewardship. He was on the Writing Group for the Australian National Antibiotic Guidelines for 12 years contributing to the revision of 6 editions.

Profile image of Dr Joe Ferris

Dr Joe Ferris

General Practitioner - MB. BS, MSc Tec.(OccMed), Grad Dip Sports Science

Joe is a GP working in a small General Practice in Forster, NSW, where most of the patients (and staff!) are geriatric. He has worked as a rural or remote GP for over 35 years, including 5 years in East Arnhem Land. He now has a special interest in management of chronic diseases in the elderly, including diabetes.

Profile image of Kayla Osinski

Kayla Osinski

Clinical Orthotist

Kayla is a Clinical Orthotist with a passion for physics and biomechanics. She graduated from LaTrobe University in 2016 and began her career at Royal North Shore Hospital specialising in Orthopaedics (Trauma & Paediatrics) fitting custom spinal braces, Pavlik harnesses and off-the-shelf orthoses. She then worked at Sydney Children’s/Prince of Wales Hospitals, gaining invaluable experience across a wide range of disorders including neuromuscular diseases. In 2018, she moved to Newcastle’s Hunter Prosthetics and Orthotics Service, continuing to specialise in Rehab/Neuro-orthotic Management. She enjoys the challenge of aligning physics (biomechanics) alongside art (physically making the orthoses) when prescribing and designing custom lower limb orthoses and seeing the orthoses “come to life” when they are fitted to patients. I am a keen advocate for holistic, evidence-based decision making when prescribing orthosis, that focuses on empowering patients to improve their quality of life through orthotic management.

Profile image of Heidi Avery

Heidi Avery

Primary Care Improvement Officer PHN

Heidi Avery is a Primary Care Improvement Officer at the Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network. Heidi has been a part of the Primary Care Improvement team with The PHN since 2017 and is the support lead for Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) guidance. She has worked closely with practices in diabetes engagement for quality improvement and has also attended many Diabetes Alliance Clinics throughout the Hunter.

With 20 years of experience working in General Practice, Heidi has a passion for multidisciplinary primary care models aimed to ensure people get the right care, at the right time, by the right team and in the right place.

Profile image of Emma Bone

Emma Bone

Senior Dietitian HNELHD Greater Newcastle Diabetes Service

Emma graduated in 2010 from the University of Newcastle with a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics. She has extensive experience as a Diabetes Dietitian from working in General Practice from 2011-2014 prior to starting with the HNELHD Greater Newcastle Diabetes Service in 2015 to present where she works as the Senior Dietitian. Emma started as the Dietitian in the Diabetes Alliance Program in April 2023 alongside her GNS Diabetes role. She has also worked on several research projects in the past with Hunter Population Health involving chronic disease prevention, weight loss and childhood nutrition.

Profile image of Katherine Chan

Katherine Chan

Tamworth Diabetes Service

Katherine has been part of the Tamworth Diabetes Service since 2019. She has 18 years of community-based dietetic experience that has taken her from rural QLD to overseas that includes paediatric and adult diabetes support.

Profile image of Gillian Dan

Gillian Dan

Credentialed Diabetes Educator and Clinical Nurse Consultant

Gillian has been a Registered Nurse for 22 years and is a Credentialed Diabetes Educator and Clinical Nurse Consultant who has worked for GNS Diabetes Service since 2011. She has a Graduate Certificate in Person-centred Diabetes Care & Education from Western Sydney University. She has a special interest in Diabetes in pregnancy and enjoys helping to support & empower people living with diabetes in their everyday lives.

Profile image of Hailey Donnelly

Hailey Donnelly

APD Greater Newcastle Sector Diabetes Service

Hailey is an accredited practising dietitian at the Greater Newcastle Sector Diabetes Service. Hailey has a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics with first class Honours and is currently completing her PhD in dietary interventions for individuals living with a diabetes-related foot ulceration. Hailey has a special interest in diabetes and diabetes-related foot ulceration due to her Honours project in this area and her experience with this population.

Profile image of Wendy Ferris

Wendy Ferris

Diabetes Educator

Wendy Ferris is a cornerstone of diabetes education in the Forster-Tuncurry region having lived in the region for 30 years and practiced as a credentialled Diabetes Educator since 2017. Prior to her work as a CDE, she worked as a physiotherapist, an Allied Health Manager at the local hospital and managed a local medical centre. She has worked in health for more than 40 years including times in metropolitan NSW and remote areas of the Northern Territory.

She has been involved with DAP for many years but formally joined the team in March of 2023. She is passionate about getting people living with diabetes involved in their self-management and bringing the latest advances to them to help them achieve their best diabetes management. Wendy is passionate about ongoing education and excited about the advances in care for people with diabetes.

Profile image of Sandra Fitzgerald

Sandra Fitzgerald

Clinical Editor, Hunter New England Community HealthPathways

Sandra Fitzgerald is a Clinical Editor with the Hunter New England Community HealthPathways team. She studied pharmacy at the University of Sydney and then gained a Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy from Monash University. Sandra has had diverse career encompassing community and hospital pharmacy, drug information, poisons information, academic detailing and teaching.

Profile image of Natalie James-Ducquet

Natalie James-Ducquet

APD, HNELHD Diabetes Services

Natalie James-Ducquet has a passion for helping people with diabetes to live their best life, inspiring good self-care and emotional health as an integral part of empowering optimal health outcomes through healthy living. She has enjoyed working for HNELHD in diabetes care for the past 16 years. Graduating from Sydney University Masters in Nutrition and Dietetics in 2001 she has had wide experience in clinical nutrition therapy, working in the UK as a renal dietitian, in Australia in a range of medical nutrition specialties, as a private dietitian in Newcastle and with HNELHD diabetes services since 2007.

Profile image of Marion Hawker

Marion Hawker


With a career spanning 25 years as a diabetes educator, Marion has worked collaboratively in both community and acute settings as an integral part of the multidisciplinary diabetes clinical team. Marion has been instrumental in developing new ways of providing contemporary diabetes care in the local community.

Marion has fostered partnerships with general practice and primary care networks as a member of the Alliance Integrated Care project from its early days to the current Diabetes Alliance Program Plus (DAP+) of today.

Highlights of Marion's career include achieving NSW Credentialed Diabetes Educator of the Year award in 2016 and the Judith Meppem Lifetime Achievement award at the 2019 NSW Health Nursing and Midwifery Awards.

Nathan Jackson

Podiatrist, High-Risk Foot Service

Nathan graduated from the University of Newcastle in 2014 with a Bachelor of Podiatry and has since completed a Graduate Certificate of Wound Care from Monash University. Nathan has worked as a Senior Podiatrist at the High-Risk Foot Service – Royal Newcastle Centre since March 2022 and as the Podiatrist for the Diabetes Alliance Plus Program since March 2023. Nathan has over 9 years’ experience in both the private and public sectors of Podiatry covering various aspects of lower limb health, however has a special interest in diabetic foot care and wound management.

Profile image of Morag Joseph

Morag Joseph

Diabetes Alliance Implementation Manager

Morag works as the Diabetes Alliance Implementation Manager. She started her career as a nurse in Sydney. Over the years Morag has worked in many countries in a variety of roles. These roles have included working in Scotland in the NHS tertiary system and Malaysia providing public health liaison and primary care support working at the Canadian High Commission. Prior to commencing with the Diabetes Alliance program, Morag worked closely with GP colleagues as a practice support officer with what was then known as the Medicare Local. This experience coupled with the experience gained through other work has allowed her to manage the implementation of DAP+ in a way that provides benefits to patients and clinicians without adding extra burden to our already challenged primary care system.

Profile image of Michelle Kriss

Michelle Kriss

GNS Diabetes Service Manager and Credentialed Diabetes Educator

Michelle has been working in diabetes for more than 25 years and enjoys the complexities of her work. Michelle is always striving to improve the journey of patients with Diabetes and works hard at supporting the amazing team she manages. She was Credentialled Diabetes Educator NSW 2020.

She is the manager of an amazing team of clinicians. Michelle really loves her work and the professional relationships she has developed with her many patients over the years. When Michelle isn’t at work she enjoys performing in musical theatre and getting on the water on her stand-up paddle board.

Profile image of Craig Laird

Craig Laird


Craig embarked upon his journey as a Pedorthist in New Zealand during the 1980s, where he initiated his professional career in foot care and orthotics. Nearly three decades later, he transitioned his practice to Australia, where he has since been unwaveringly dedicated to the field of Pedorthics. With a wealth of experience spanning over 30 years, Craig has consistently endeavored to enhance foot health and alleviate various lower limb conditions through the application of biomechanical expertise and tailored orthotic solutions. Craig’s extensive background reflects a commitment to staying abreast of evolving industry trends and technologies, enabling him to provide optimal care to his clients. As Craig continues to apply his skills and knowledge, he remains dedicated to the advancement of foot health and the betterment of individuals' overall quality of life.

Profile image of Jonathan Madden

Jonathan Madden

Podiatrist and Nurse

Jonathan holds degrees in Nursing and Podiatry, and is on the verge of completing his Pedorthic degree. This unique background equips Jonathan with a comprehensive understanding of healthcare and specialised foot care. His expertise spans nursing, podiatry, and the art of crafting custom footwear. Jonathan’s goal is to enhance individuals' quality of life by addressing their specific needs. With a holistic approach, he aims to provide tailored care, comfort, and improved mobility. His diverse education enables me to make valuable contributions to pedorthics and beyond, focusing on practical solutions for optimal health and well-being.

Profile image of Emma Martin

Emma Martin

Senior Podiatrist and High Risk Foot Service Coordinator

Emma Martin works as the Senior Podiatrist and High Risk Foot Service Coordinator for the New England Region. After finishing her training at the John Hunter Hospital, Emma moved to Tamworth in 2017 to start the Tamworth High Risk Foot Service. She has been working as a Podiatrist since she was 21 years old and has a passion for improving patient outcomes for those with a limb threatening disease. In 2022, the Tamworth High Risk Foot Service won their very first excellence award for their Healthy Deadly Feet program – an initiative aimed at reducing preventable amputations in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Despite her hatred of feet, Emma has loved returning to her country roots in Tamworth and has discovered her love for all things gardening. She has even been sited busking at the annual Tamworth Country Music Festival alongside her ridiculously talented Husband who affectionately refers to her as the foot executioner.

Profile image of Shantelle McDermott

Shantelle McDermott

Dietitian and Diabetes Educator

As a Dietitian and Diabetes Educator Shantelle is passionate about providing the finest care and support to clients and their support networks. Shantelle has worked nine years full time in both public and private areas with 3 of these years being in diabetes. Shantelle believes working as a diabetes dietitian is incredibly rewarding and feels this is an area that is often misunderstood leaving patients feeling disempowered. Through working with the diabetes dietitian however Shantelle believes patients can be equipped with the skills and knowledge to assist in working towards their goals and overall diabetes treatment aims.

Profile image of Martha Parsons

Martha Parsons

Diabetes Alliance Program Plus Strategic Manager

Martha works as the Diabetes Alliance Program Plus Strategic Manager. She started her career as a midwife then found a new passion in project management while completing a project in the John Hunter Hospital Diabetes in Pregnancy service. Martha has a diploma in project management and government and a Masters of Health Policy.

Since 2014, Martha has been supporting the design, development, implementation and evaluation of the Diabetes Alliance Program along with a number of other strategies across Hunter New England Local Health District and at the Ministry of Health. These programs have included HealthPathways, ADHD integrated care program, chronic pain alternate models of care and the roll out of the COVID vaccination program.

Andrew Roberts

Dietitian, Armidale Community Health Centre

Andrew works full time as a generalist outpatient Dietitian at Armidale Community Health Centre and enjoys working with a variety of multidisciplinary health workers and teams. He has been happily working 16 years into a one-year contract. As with many generalist dietitians, diabetes is only one part of his role. Andrew believes the variety of clients and referrals are both the best and the hardest part of his role. He describes the first day he received an introduction to type 1 diabetes was in the form of a 10 year old who had been diagnosed the previous day. He said he made many phone calls and received greatly appreciated advice and support where the family and himself worked their way through the challenge of the new diagnosis. Since then, he’s had the pleasure to work with clients with all types of diabetes, but he’s still very happy to call and ask for advice when needed.

Profile image of Sharon Ross-Evans

Sharon Ross-Evans

CNS/Diabetes Educator

Sharon Ross-Evans is a dedicated and passionate CNS/Diabetes Educator who has been part of DAP Plus since Aug 2022. She completed her RN training at the Lyell McEwin hospital and subsequently worked as a Practice Nurse and Nurse Coordinator around Newcastle before upskilling in diabetes and becoming a Credentialled Diabetes Educator in 2020 with GNS Diabetes. She joined DAP to follow her passion of empowering and educating both clinicians and people living with diabetes as well as assisting with GP quality improvement. In her spare time, she barracks for the Swans and spends time with her family.

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