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Diabetes in General Practice: Improve business and care

Thursday, February 23rd 2023
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

This webinar will discuss how to improve diabetes care and business in general practice. A General Practitioner and Credentialled Diabetes Educator will outlines and share their multidisciplinary approach to optimise care, improve the lives of those living with diabetes and remuneration.

Learning Objectives:

• Describe the role of a Credentialled Diabetes Educator working in a general practice

• Identify how a Credentialled Diabetes Educator can help with the management and care of people living with diabetes

• Identify how interdisciplinary collaboration can improve diabetes management and remuneration.

We ask for any pre questions to please be sent to

Presenters : Dr Hayley Skidmore MBBS, Donna Wellins Advanced Practice Pharmacist B. Pharm CDE PSA AACP

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