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Difficult Conversations: Techniques for tackling tricky discussions at work and in the clinic - CPD Webinar for Allied Health Assistants

Wednesday, July 17th 2024
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
From $99 per annum giving access to monthly live webinars, webinar recordings and a suite of resource and case studies

It's one of the most sought-after skills in modern healthcare...navigating difficult conversations.

The need to have a difficult conversation can come up at any time, often without notice.

Difficult conversations like:

Addressing an issue with a colleague

Putting forward a different opinion about the best care for a client

Asking for something important (like extra resources, time to participate in professional development, or even changes to working conditions)

This webinar will help you be ready in advance and equip you with skills and strategies to successfully plot a course through conversations like these at work and in the clinic.

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