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Effective Brief Contact and Single Session Grief Support

Starts: Monday, March 1st 2021 at 9:00 AM
Ends: Wednesday, March 31st 2021 at 5:00 PM
Course Cost: an all inclusive cost of: • Members: $295 • Non-Members: $345

Many community support and health care professionals may only have brief contact, or sometimes just a single session, with individuals experiencing grief or bereavement. Effective bereavement support can be offered or initiated via brief contact or a single session, without compromising the quality of the support given.
This short course will offer a simple framework and strategies that can be used to ensure effective bereavement support when only having brief contact with bereaved or grieving individuals.

Learning Modules: at the Conclusion of this Short Course, participants should be able to:

• Explore the grief experience for individuals using contemporary grief and bereavement theories/models

• Understand and deliver the basics of grief education by identifying common grief reactions, what to do and when to be concerned

• Identify strategies and resources that assist people who are grieving and can be addressed briefly

• Understand when to refer to specialist grief and bereavement services for ongoing support

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