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Forster NSW-Multi Cultural Diversity end of life in our ageing population (PEPA NSW)

Thursday, February 9th 2023
9:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Club Forster
19 Strand St
Forster NSW 2428
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Aim of workshop: Develop an understanding of a palliative approach and how Culture influences end of life care. The workshops are interactive and provide ample time for discussion through case presentations and examples.

Topics include: What is a palliative approach; what is end of life; what is Culture and how does it influence end of life care; CaLD beliefs and values around death and dying; culturally appropriate communication skills; overview of PEPA and placement opportunities.

Intended workshop audience: ALL persons working in Aged Care Setting primarily but also open to ALL clinical and non-clinical persons currently working across ALL health settings (RACF, community, hospital, GP practice, etc) including volunteers. This is NOT a clinical day - this session focuses on 'what is Culture' and how Culture influences the palliative approach and end of life.

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