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Indigenous Approaches to Trauma. An African Centred Perspective on Healing

Saturday, May 11th 2024
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Morning Tea, lunch and all materials included in the cost
Nature Based Therapies Australia is thrilled to announce our upcoming one-day workshop delving into the foundational principles of Indigenous healing traditions and their relevance to current mainstream therapeutic practices. We will be expertly guided in our learning by prominent African healer, Dr Kellie Kirksey and well renowned trauma therapist and trainer, Dr Jamie Marich as we explore the foundational principles of healing from a traditional African centered perspective. Join us as we delve into the global roots of healing and learn how to better serve marginalized clients through the therapeutic power of drumming, dancing, storytelling, and silence as practiced by Indigenous peoples as well as understanding how this applies to you, your clients and your work.
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