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Introduction to Reproductive coercion, contraceptive options & Applied Practice

Starts: Monday, September 20th 2021 at 2:00 PM
Ends: Monday, September 27th 2021 at 4:00 PM

This training is open to all health and allied health care practitioners who may work with pregnant people in the context of pregnancy decision making. Training is offered in two zoom video conferences and in accordance with Children by Choice’s pro-choice framework.

Session 1: Monday 20 September 2021 1400 - 1600 Brisbane time - check your timezone

Introduction to Reproductive Coercion and contraception options for women experiencing violence and/or coercion.

Session 2: Monday 27 September 2021 1400 - 1600 Brisbane time - check your timezone

Applied Practice: Counselling supporting increased reproductive autonomy and applied practice

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