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Managing and minimizing the harm of non-prescribed steroids and other performance and image-enhancing drugs

Wednesday, February 8th 2023
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

You are invited to join this two-part education series. Despite becoming a growing patient group, most health professionals in Australia still have little knowledge on how to assess and manage patients who use non-prescribed anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) and other performance and image enhancing drugs (PIEDs). PIEDs are drugs used to enhance the appearance of a person and/or to improve their physical capabilities such as strength or endurance.

The aim of this webinar and ECHO is to increase knowledge on current best practices to assess and manage this patient group, and to treat and prevent associated health consequences as a result of a patient’s PIED use. Following this webinar there will be an ECHO Hub opportunity on Wednesday 22nd February for a live interactive deidentified case discussion with a case study provided by YOU. To attend the ECHO Hub session you must attend the webinar.

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