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Men’s Health Connected 2022

Starts: Monday, May 16th 2022 at 9:00 AM
Ends: Friday, May 20th 2022 at 4:30 PM

It's a free week-long gathering for everyone who's committed to improving the lives and health of men and boys in Australia.

Men’s Health Connected is held online, so you can take part from the comfort of your home or workplace and choose the times and the sessions that work best for you. As well as providing a great opportunity to connect with likeminded people who share your interest in improving the lives and health of men and boys, Men's Health Connected will explore a range of themes including:

• The state of men's health in 2022

• Getting men moving (physical activity and men's health)

• Running men's health events

• Hearing men's stories (the role of lived experience in improving men's health

For more information and to register for updates on the program visit the Men's Health Connected website.

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