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Mental Health Implications of COVID-19 Infection

Tuesday, October 26th 2021
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

There is growing evidence that individuals that have recovered from COVID-19, can have symptoms that persist beyond the initial illness. Studies suggest that survivors of COVID-19 are at risk of psychiatric sequelae and that psychiatric and neuropsychiatric sequelae are indeed an essential part of the long-COVID syndrome. Wentworth Healthcare invites you to join Dr Lucette Cysique, Professor Kay Wilhem and Dr Clare Ramsden as they discuss the mental health implications of the COVID-19 infection. Learning Outcomes

• Describe the short term and longer term psychological and neurological correlates and sequelae of the COVID-19 infection

• Recognise the symptoms and what to look out for in patients

• Discuss the risks for post-traumatic responses for people post-COVID infection

• Define strategies to support patients with psychological and neurological long COVID symptoms

• Discuss the treatment options and considerations for COVID-19 patients

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