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METADiAB: The Sydney Practical Diabetes Forum at Royal Prince Alfred (RPA) Hospital Diabetes Centre

Saturday, July 23rd 2022
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
The METADiAB Forum is RACGP accredited and designed to provide GPs with a comprehensive update on diabetes management. It aims to improve patient outcomes by supporting GPs to individualise diabetes management when escalating therapy beyond metformin. Attendees of the Forum will gain practical insights into the latest thinking and guidance in the management of diabetes and metabolic health. The emphasis will be on real-world issues and changes that can be implemented in your clinical practice the following week. The Forum will be interactive, case-based, and with ample time for discussion and questions. It is free to attend for General Practitioners and it has been accredited by the RACGP for 12 CPD points. We welcome and look forward to your participation at this informative and important chronic disease educational initiative.
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