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Optimising treatment outcomes for asthma patients in 2021

Tuesday, March 2nd 2021
7:00 PM - 8:15 PM

The fundamentals of asthma management remain the same when treating patients from mild to severe asthma. However, patients who continue to exacerbate in spite of optimised treatment may benefit from new treatments available. In this webinar, Dr Greg Katsoulotos (Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Physician - BSc (Med), MB BS (Hons 1), PhD, FRACP, Grad Cert Allergic Diseases) will discuss the importance of regular maintenance therapy and review treatment options for mild to moderate asthma patients. Furthermore, he will explore how to identify and when to refer patients with severe asthma.

Dr Katsoulotos has a special interest in asthma of all severities. He is a member of the Guidelines Committee of the National Asthma Council, a Senior Lecturer at the UNSW and Member of the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research.

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